I was wondering if someone knows how to flatten uvs from multiple objects that have 2 uv sets each to the second uv set of those. So to have an object have its uvs collapsed to map "2" basically (second projection). I need to batch do this for a bunch of objects..
thanks in advanced.
polyUVSet -copy -nuv "lightmap";
You would replace lightmap with whatever you want.
To go a step further, you would want to put this into a loop so it would do multiple objects, and for a lightmap you probably want to run a layout command so there are no overlapping UVs.
If you want multiple objects to share a second UV set it might get trickier.
Thanks for the help. I actually do not use lightmaps. I simply wanted to collapse a bunch of objets (second uv channel) into the first one.
Reason being, that I am working in katana and the alembic format can only support one
uv set at the moment (as far as I know) so having the uvs on the second uv channel and not the first one (default one..) was causing the objects not to pick the textures.
So in resume I wanted to have all objects with only one uv channel, so flatten both and keep the second projection.