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Pitch to investors at TIGA’s Access to Finance Summer Event on 26th August 2015

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This looks like a great event if anyone is looking to get a game off the ground.


3PM - 7PM


Our next biannual Access to Finance event is the 26th August. The event will help developers and publishers meet investors and improve their ability to secure funding through key note speakers from both successful developers, industry experts and investors.

The current speaker list is as follows:

• Ifti Akbar, Fuse 3 “Funding the next level”

• Mike Hayes, Mercia Investments: "One stop shop funding – the Mercia Technologies plc model”

• Travis Winstanley, Derek De Filippo and Dan Da Rocha Kuju Startups “Kuju, Hue & You”

• Kirsty Bell, Nyman Lisbon Paul: "Navigating the Media Financial Maze”

• Tanya Laird, Digital Jam “Building Social Audiences”

• Patrick O’Luanaigh, NDreams "Bootstrapping, angels and VCs: a developer's guide to funding your studio"

• Lucio BuffalmanoBillfront “Escaping the liquidity trap – Financing for App Developers”

• Ifti Akbar, Fuse 3: "Funding The Next Level"

• Bill Earner, Connect Ventures

• Jenny Robertson, Stevens&Bolton " Preparing Your Business For Investment”

The event will run from 3pm to 7pm and be followed by free drinks and networking

As well as best practice advice and feedback, attendees will also get the valuable opportunity to actually pitch for funding for their game or project. One investor in particular will be looking to hear from developers whose business is establish and is not pre revenue, whilst others are open to receive applications from developers at any stage.

If you would like to register for a ten minute pitch slot please email Nancy Clark TIGA via [email]nancy.clark "AT" tiga.org[/email] and provide 500 words describing the project you would like to pitch and the approximate amount of funding you are looking for.Spaces will be limited and we will not be able to guarantee all attendees a slot.

As with all TIGA events if there are any topics members or attendees would like covered in particular please do get in touch via [email]nancy.clark "AT" tiga.org[/email] and let us know. Your ideas and feedback are always welcome.
TIGA’s previous Access to Finance events have been fully booked so attendees are politely asked to register here as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
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