Hello everyone!
My name is Christopher Austin Bryant, otherwise known as "Naustix", and I'm part of
Neocrux Ltd. We are very excited to share our first project, GalaCollider that is currently in a pre-Beta state! GalaCollider is a 4X digital card game with RTS elements present in it. We plan to release our game for PC, Mac and iPad.
In this thread, we'll talk about the art assets that are being used in the game from our wide variety of artist collaborations. These will include the 3D models for our ships, and even a bit about the UI as it develops.
=================================UPDATES BELOW=================================
August 7th, 2015:
Today we're showing off some of our 3D models, specifically our Sylith Cruiser. Check out the video below and our full blog post here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_29_2Rel7fc[/ame]August 11th, 2015:
A gazillion new 3d models are showing up right now daily as Rafael goes berserk with his computer. Rafael is focusing on pumping out a ton of tiny specialized smaller frigate ships for the Sylith faction. In fact, you can watch him hyper-create some of these models in one of our new time-lapse 3D modeling videos, from our YouTube channel. Check out the video below and our full blog post here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkwzgqez7Ns[/ame]August 19th, 2015:
Each week weve got another one to two ships completed as Rafael is still on a roll. Here is a new bomber-frigate for the Sylith he has modeled and test rendered:
And a light flexible Strike craft:
Check out the video above and our full blog post here:
=================================CONTACT BELOW=================================
Please sign up to our newsletter for more future updates, exclusive offers, & IN-GAME CREDIT!
You can sign up for our news letter at: Galacollider.com
Also, please like our facebook page and follow us on twitter for more updates!
Thanks for checking out the post and our game!