Hello everyone, I've gotten Quixel to work for a few seconds, but I'm getting the following error. Attached are screenshots:
Error after adding mesh obj sample helmet and corresponding input map and generating a project:

Resulting lookup of issue within Windows Event Viewer:

It appears the issue is occurring from some remote access violation (checked the error code from MS) with regards to Photoshop CC 2014's standard multiplugin file.
I've tried multiple fixes such as permission changes, moving the suite installation folder, reinstalling Photoshop, installing CS6 and stealing the plugin file from it in a virtual machine, Java rollback to 7, update Java to 8.51, rollback of .NET to 4.5.2 etc etc and it's driving me crazy.
My system has 8GB of RAM and I have more than enough scratch space available in PS to work with the model.
So far I've rolled back to the 1.7 suite and it's still crashing. If I remove the afflicted plugin from Photoshop's plugin folder, I get a generalized "Photoshop might not support this action" error.
Also, here is the error when I launch NDO and create a sample normal map:

Which again it doesn't make much sense because I've already been able to use NDO and DDO previously with no RAM problems, and the Photoshop settings file has been reset and then re-optimized for my setup.
I like the software, but until I get it working on my rig there's no point in buying it.