Modeled in Modo and textured in Substance Painter. Rendered in Unity 5.
(Old version of the props that I am updating)
Here are some high poly renders that I never completed. I only completed the low poly and texture on one of the boilers, I was never quite happy with it though. It is something I am going to re-texture soon.
The way you've bent the wooden handles feels unnatural though, like they're melting rather than been bent by growth or by use. Maybe take a look at old scythe handles for inspiration?
I like the knot/nub on the sledgehammer handle, would like to see this repeated on the others, helps reinforce the rough-hewn handpainted style.
The lighting is too realistic for the style IMO. It makes everything look too plastic, too jarring, fake. Kind of like things look in Lazy Town, do you know the show? I think some non-realistic lighting and shadowing would help these immensely.
@Eric Chadwick Thanks for the feedback, I am going to fix the wood handles. I like the old scythe idea for reference, I wasn't really sure where to start for that.
I'm glad you mentioned the lighting, I have been experimenting with it a lot, never got it to a point where it felt like it fit though.
I have been planning on making a complete scene, something I have been excited about doing. I wanted to nail down the style with the smaller pieces first, which your feedback helps out with a lot with.
Another thing I noticed, on the workbench/chest of drawers, the top wood seems like it should be scarred heavily by past work. Saw cuts, hammer blows, dark stains, drill holes, etc. I have an old workbench in my basement, and man it's seen some heavy use.
I'm not sure why some drawers have wood fronts while others are still metal, yet all have the same metal pulls. It does add character to the piece, but lacks purpose so it feels wrong. Like what's the backstory... did they all have wood fronts once? Then how did the metal ones lose theirs but keep the handles? Maybe for the bare metal add broken wood chunks only under the handles. Or dispense with the wood fronts altogether? Also feels odd that they only use the metal handles as the wood fasteners, naturally there would be some nail/screw heads on left/right ends?
The nails in the top are not affecting the wood under them. Old nails dent and stain the wood nearby. Same with the metal handles on wood.
I know it's rather late for major changes, but there's always room for improvement, if it's meant to be a portfolio piece.
@Eric Chadwick Great, thanks for the extra thoughts. They are all things I overlooked, I am going to rework those pieces today. I put them on the front as an afterthought and didn't consider the actual function of it. I will probably remove the wood all together on the drawers and add more damage for the top pieces.
Once I make those changes I am going to work on the lighting. I wasn't sure what Lazy Town was until I googled it, then I realized my daughter used to watch it all the time . I see what you mean about that now. Still not sure exactly what I am going to do for that though. Maybe start by making it less harsh and a little more evenly distributed across the models.
@ridley075 Thanks, i'm looking forward to finishing these up over the weekend and starting on some new props. Work my way up to some modular buildings and outdoor organic stuff.
Looking good man, especcially the latest workshop render thingy. What are you going to use the steam powered airship thing for? Going in the same style as previous assets? Also the only thing that I can see in terms on feedback is that the doors on the workshop closet seem to be a bit small in terms of thickness, but that really depends on what the prop is used for really
Looking forward to see some more, you got an interesting style!
@Luxap Thanks, I see what you mean about the doors. The airship is indeed going to be the same style. I am working on building an entire environment with this style.
I am working on hand painting some models, here is a wood crate I am trying to finish. I am not happy with it at the moment, not sure where to improve it though. Any C&C would be appreciated.
Going over some of it again, I also decreased the saturation / contrast on it. Maybe it was too much before?
It's getting there, just keep working at it! Push for color variation and don't be afraid of value shift as it'll add a lot to making the wood look like wood. I like the specks of green you got going, do more of that, and if it feels like there's too much hue variance going on then pull back. In my experience it's better to push too much detail and bring it back for the best results. I would also suggest painting in some nails and adding specularity on them, it'll add a lot to your crate.
I like the details you painted! If you check these weapons below, you can check for some good ideas on how to make your metals, and golds overall more interesting, for example: - I would avoid using desaturated grey for the metal parts, here Kelvin used a green tinted color, and mixed in some browns here and there to make it more interesting - also its a good idea to break up the forms of the golden parts with some ornaments maybe to make it more interesting, and I would use some orange in there, and mix it up with the yellow - another good idea would be to make the highlights a bit more visible, and make them pop a little bot more, so it feels more like metal... on the spear you can see the edges more clearly - and you can try add some gradients from top to bottom, you can see the end of the spear is really bright, and the bottom part is much darker, and this adds weight to the weapon, and your's could use some aswell!
Here is a concept of an axe I made today that I am going to model next. I am trying to improve my painting and drawing ability along with modeling and texturing, any C&C is appreciated
The way you've bent the wooden handles feels unnatural though, like they're melting rather than been bent by growth or by use. Maybe take a look at old scythe handles for inspiration?
I like the knot/nub on the sledgehammer handle, would like to see this repeated on the others, helps reinforce the rough-hewn handpainted style.
The lighting is too realistic for the style IMO. It makes everything look too plastic, too jarring, fake. Kind of like things look in Lazy Town, do you know the show? I think some non-realistic lighting and shadowing would help these immensely.
I would love to see a scene in your style!
I'm glad you mentioned the lighting, I have been experimenting with it a lot, never got it to a point where it felt like it fit though.
I have been planning on making a complete scene, something I have been excited about doing. I wanted to nail down the style with the smaller pieces first, which your feedback helps out with a lot with.
Another thing I noticed, on the workbench/chest of drawers, the top wood seems like it should be scarred heavily by past work. Saw cuts, hammer blows, dark stains, drill holes, etc. I have an old workbench in my basement, and man it's seen some heavy use.
I'm not sure why some drawers have wood fronts while others are still metal, yet all have the same metal pulls. It does add character to the piece, but lacks purpose so it feels wrong. Like what's the backstory... did they all have wood fronts once? Then how did the metal ones lose theirs but keep the handles? Maybe for the bare metal add broken wood chunks only under the handles. Or dispense with the wood fronts altogether? Also feels odd that they only use the metal handles as the wood fasteners, naturally there would be some nail/screw heads on left/right ends?
The nails in the top are not affecting the wood under them. Old nails dent and stain the wood nearby. Same with the metal handles on wood.
I know it's rather late for major changes, but there's always room for improvement, if it's meant to be a portfolio piece.
Once I make those changes I am going to work on the lighting. I wasn't sure what Lazy Town was until I googled it, then I realized my daughter used to watch it all the time
Thanks for taking the time to give me feedback.
What are you going to use the steam powered airship thing for? Going in the same style as previous assets?
Also the only thing that I can see in terms on feedback is that the doors on the workshop closet seem to be a bit small in terms of thickness, but that really depends on what the prop is used for really
Looking forward to see some more, you got an interesting style!
I would also suggest painting in some nails and adding specularity on them, it'll add a lot to your crate.
- I would avoid using desaturated grey for the metal parts, here Kelvin used a green tinted color, and mixed in some browns here and there to make it more interesting
- also its a good idea to break up the forms of the golden parts with some ornaments maybe to make it more interesting, and I would use some orange in there, and mix it up with the yellow
- another good idea would be to make the highlights a bit more visible, and make them pop a little bot more, so it feels more like metal... on the spear you can see the edges more clearly
- and you can try add some gradients from top to bottom, you can see the end of the spear is really bright, and the bottom part is much darker, and this adds weight to the weapon, and your's could use some aswell!
good luck with the progression!