Been using 2016 for a while now and it feels like I got some nice things and Ive think Ive finally changed and tweaked everything to how I like it except two things I cant solve.
Please fellow polypusher help me
1.Created objects are locked in X-axis for transformation
When I create a object such as a box I hold down snap to point and snap it to the closest point to where Im at in the scene, its a really nice way to get another box/cylinder where I want it.
In 2016 the transformation is locked in X axis when I create objects and I cant get it to not be. Its really frustrating since I then have to goto origo and click on the centerthiny on the object manipulator and then snap it to the point close to where I was working, completely breaking my modelingflow.
2.Select UV shell in Viewport.
In 2015 and previous versions I could select uv shells in the viewport and that was nice since it saved me alot of selection time.
In 2016 I cant get it to work, I only get toggled into a shell-selection tool and I dont want that, I just want it to give me a poly/vert selection of the UV shell Ive selected.
In 2015 it uses "SelectUVShell;" but that does not work in 2016.
I've been used to older versions of Maya where when you pressed W it reset the axis constraints on the move tool. In later versions of Maya it does not do this which got in the way of my work flow.
This script always selects the correct type of shell depending on which component mode you are in:
Replaced "W" with the first scrips, works perfectly!
The select uv-shell script I cant get to work. I select a face/vertex and run the script and nothing happens, I dont get a errormessage either, I get "// Result: pCylinder2.f[10] // " or whatever object I have selected.
The convert-to uv selection "to uv shell" has been missing so far for me in 2016, its not in the hotbox.
I think I got it to work by just changing a few thing from the script you had.
int $facet = `selectType -q -facet`;
int $vertex = `selectType -q -vertex`;
int $edge = `selectType -q -edge`;
if (`selectMode -q -object`) { pickWalkUp; }
else {
if ( !`selectType -q -facet` && !`selectType -q -vertex` && !`selectType -q -edge` ) {
//if in UV select mode
else {
//if in any other mode
textureWindowSelectConvert 4;
if ($facet == 1) { ConvertSelectionToFaces; }
if ($vertex == 1) { ConvertSelectionToVertices; }
if ($edge == 1) { ConvertSelectionToContainedEdges; }
Edit: Nope, got it to work at first but not anymore.
manipMoveContext -e -currentActiveHandle 3 Move;
to w since I wont get the marking menus.
I made some changes to the scripts to retain the marking menus. For move, scale and rotate you'll want to create custom hotkeys containing the following respective scripts (because you can't edit the commands for hotkeys that comes with Maya):
Move Tool: Rotate Tool: Scale Tool: After this, find the following application commands and bind the appropriate keys to them again. Make sure the hotkeys are set to "on release". You can change this by selecting the hotkey field and then the little down arrow next to the X button. Set it to "On Release" first before entering the hotkey.
W hotkey:
Translate Tool With Snap Marking Menu Pop Down
E hotkey:
Rotate Tool With Snap Marking Menu Pop Down
R hotkey:
Scale Tool With Snap Marking Menu Pop Down