@shaderfx, according to the promo video, there will be a Stingray menu in Maya LT.
I installed the Maya LT SP2 + EXT1 and Stringray today, but the menu is not shown in LT.
19:06:02 [Info] - Running build dc0c2c87edbff1f8fa2793096d4479a54db4fea6
19:06:02 [Debug] - 19.08.2015 19:06:02 [Info] Server started at ws://
19:06:02 [Debug] - 19.08.2015 19:06:02 [Info] Server started at ws://
19:06:02 [Debug] - Loading services took 62 ms
19:06:02 [Debug] - Application registration took 161 ms
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
bei System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
bei System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
19:06:04 [Debug] - System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to configure namespace reservation
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.StartListener()
19:07:02 [Error] - System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to configure namespace reservation
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.StartListener()
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.Start()
bei Stingray.StingrayEditorBackend.Program.Main(String[] args)
@shaderfx, according to the promo video, there will be a Stingray menu in Maya LT.
I installed the Maya LT SP2 + EXT1 and Stringray today, but the menu is not shown in LT.
19:06:02 [Info] - Running build dc0c2c87edbff1f8fa2793096d4479a54db4fea6
19:06:02 [Debug] - 19.08.2015 19:06:02 [Info] Server started at ws://
19:06:02 [Debug] - 19.08.2015 19:06:02 [Info] Server started at ws://
19:06:02 [Debug] - Loading services took 62 ms
19:06:02 [Debug] - Application registration took 161 ms
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
bei System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
bei System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
19:06:04 [Debug] - System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to configure namespace reservation
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.StartListener()
19:07:02 [Error] - System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to configure namespace reservation
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.StartListener()
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.Start()
bei Stingray.StingrayEditorBackend.Program.Main(String[] args)
After 15 years Maya's Art to Engine is finally at version 1.0!
After Project Skyline I was really hoping that this kind of iteration marriage between asset creation and game dev was going to be realized for the Unreal Engine instead.
HIK code for students would also be a major winner. custom logic for terrain, ai, action and melee fun sounds very inspiring.
EDIT: OI! HIK and Wwise seems as if they may be exposed nicely with flow. I am actually not a fan of creating logic with gui graph connections and would prefer just writing solutions. But if that's all that is going to be available I am hoping flow is fast?
After 15 years Maya's Art to Engine is finally at version 1.0!
After Project Skyline I was really hoping that this kind of iteration marriage between asset creation and game dev was going to be realized for the Unreal Engine instead.
HIK code for students would also be a major winner. custom logic for terrain, ai, action and melee fun sounds very inspiring.
EDIT: OI! HIK and Wwise seems as if they may be exposed nicely with flow. I am actually not a fan of creating logic with gui graph connections and would prefer just writing solutions. But if that's all that is going to be available I am hoping flow is fast?
Hi dr jekyll,
Yes you can use flow for Wwise and HIK, but you can also do the same things in Lua script. The great thing about Stingray is it allows users to add game logic in Flow, Script, and source.
Why do specifically students need the human-ik source code?
Or do you mean human-ik functionality?
Because the plugin will be there for students, just like everything else
sure! Flow and LUA are looking awesome exposing HIK.
By inspiring I meant for students of c++ with an interest in game dev.
Compared to wraping a students head around writing a physics lib or same old shader stuff which might seem even more daunting and less fun considering low level directX 12 and Mantle complexity? Wheras HIK == exciting and fun. && character related stuff is sexy? !a chore.
Is there a documentation site I could check out? I'm interesting in playing with the engine, if only to learn more about it. But outside of the bitsquid blog, and the advertising buzzwords about workflow, I'm really lost on what I'm getting as a programmer. Especially on the lower-level, non-lua/flow side of things.
You might be able to dig up a couple of things from the help files. There are references for the Lua API and for the flow nodes. IDK if you can get a C++ engine plugin working without source code access, but it might be worth the old college try.
could someone please tell Autodesk that it is 2015 now and there is other countries in the world with internet available. asking me to find local reseller is like asking me to run around the town looking for landline while holding cell in my hand. dinosaurs.
For a gameware account ( and private access to stingray gitHUB ) explicitly states that Hotmail/Gmail accounts will not be accepted. Only corporate email addys.
( though the registration process mentioned "exemptions" if u made a case for one? )
Wonder if educational email account would be "exempt" for gameware account along with the educational version?
If exploring c++ possibilities with the "advanced option" for monthly lic $50/m or $400/yr. Advanced option is touted as including dev support but does that relieve the corporate email requirement for gameware gitHUB? I suppose I could bring back my website and email addresses if I had to. It would be a pretty hard pill to swallow if one paid up extra for an advanced option year only to learn that one's email address prevented gitHub access all along.
I'm currently evaluating Stingray for my job and while the connection to Max/Maya sounds good in theory, it's very flaky. Also it crashes and has a lot of bugs. The viewport stops functioning, sometimes when it crashes I can't restart it without rebooting windows etc etc. This is is not ready for production by a long shot.
I'm currently evaluating Stingray for my job and while the connection to Max/Maya sounds good in theory, it's very flaky. Also it crashes and has a lot of bugs. The viewport stops functioning, sometimes when it crashes I can't restart it without rebooting windows etc etc. This is is not ready for production by a long shot.
Hi, can you tell me what issues you are having and when they happen with live link? We would like to address them, but need clear repro steps. You can also record a move if that helps.
Hi PollySong,
Yes we'd really like to see what issues you are running into specifically. Usually the direct-connection stuff is not problematic - but we are discovering bugs in how Stingray handles some data from FBX now that we are getting more users. These problems can crash the engine - editor keeps running though!
Also - if anyone has issues we are working hard at monitoring and responding to users on our internal forums. We're happy to come here too - but response will be slower if we don't miss it altogether.
I logged in to your forums, but I can't see any posts, maybe it's the ad-blocker or something.
Anyway. I don't have the time to make any movies and I can't remember exactly what made it crash, it felt like different things every time. But here's what happened/happens:
(I work with archviz, Max + V-Ray)
Load an old, finished, V-Ray scene in Max
Send a section of it to Stingray
Engine stops working, displays a button saying "restart engine"
Try to restart engine, stops working again (repeat 10 times)
Manually delete models from project dir and restart
Try to send a different section to stingray
Hard crashes
Manually delete models from project dir
Try to restart stingray
Crashes on startup anyway (repeat 3 times)
Restart windows
Convert materials in Max scene to "scanline"
Send successfully to stingray
Realize that objects have no UV's
Finally discover that UV's that use the "Real-World Map Size" option doesn't work
While manually re-doing all materials and UV's, realize that exporter doesn't respect material bitmap offset and rotation
etc etc
Go back to Unity
Since we work in Max/V-ray, all our scenes have V-Ray materials that mostly use "Real-World Map Size" for easy moving between scenes/objects, and since none of those things work with Stingray, the advantage Stingray was supposed to have over Unity/UE4 is gone.
Hi PollySong,
Yes we'd really like to see what issues you are running into specifically. Usually the direct-connection stuff is not problematic - but we are discovering bugs in how Stingray handles some data from FBX now that we are getting more users. These problems can crash the engine - editor keeps running though!
Also - if anyone has issues we are working hard at monitoring and responding to users on our internal forums. We're happy to come here too - but response will be slower if we don't miss it altogether.
Thanks so much for the feedback! Clearly we need to do some work to better support V-Ray materials. If you are able to share with us a problematic scene, we could fix it even more quickly.
Is it possible to send commands from Maya to the Stingray console port or to Maya's script editor port?
python/mel to lua? Does installation of the DCC link give us any new commands mel functionality we can leverage if nothing else for querying on the Maya side?
When you say that "Real-World Map Size" option doesn't work, can you be more specific? Do the UV's come in incorrect or not at all? I'm not familiar with that option - so I'm not sure how it's supposed to work. An example max file with texture would help.
For material bitmap offset and rotation you can add UV offsets to your material to achieve the same results. It's tricky to support without making a very complex standard material. In Maya, each texture can have it's own placement for example. So if we wanted to support that we would have many many properties in the material - which you probably don't want.
RATS! I upgraded to win 10 and now I can't get it to work anymore. ( message about turning off aero. choose yes then dies )
I see only up to win 8.1 is officially supported.
Was considering a fresh win 10 install if anyone can confirm all is rosy with Stingray and win 10. Otherwise it a win 7 retreat for me.
About half my programs and in crash the new sli hotfix helped alot but I am still crashing all over win 10. ( worst upgrade experience since win nt 4.0 )
RATS! I upgraded to win 10 and now I can't get it to work anymore. ( message about turning off aero. choose yes then dies )
I see only up to win 8.1 is officially supported.
Was considering a fresh win 10 install if anyone can confirm all is rosy with Stingray and win 10. Otherwise it a win 7 retreat for me.
About half my programs and in crash the new sli hotfix helped alot but I am still crashing all over win 10. ( worst upgrade experience since win nt 4.0 )
Stingray works fine for me but I've never disabled aero, just hit no? I would assume that's designed for windows 7 or something cause 10 doesn't use it the same way and i doubt it affects performance that much.
Real-World Map Size is a Max option, not a V-Ray option. When enabled you set the size of the texture in real world measurements (inches, cm, etc) instead of arbitrary number of tiles etc, which is very handy when doing archviz. So if I have a brick material, for example, with the textures set to use Real-world, I can easily move it between meshes and always get the same result. It's hard to say if anything gets exported, I can't see any textures on the mesh. I'm not at work, so I can't send a scene, sorry.
When you say that "Real-World Map Size" option doesn't work, can you be more specific? Do the UV's come in incorrect or not at all? I'm not familiar with that option - so I'm not sure how it's supposed to work. An example max file with texture would help.
I'm sure it's doable, but I would rather not do all those changes to 10s or even hundreds of materials, by hand, for every project. If I still have to manually prep the meshes and materials I will have little reason to leave Unity. (I hope I'm not sounding like a dick, just stating facts. It would make my job a lot easier if the link just worked.)
I'm sure it's doable, but I would rather not do all those changes to 10s or even hundreds of materials, by hand, for every project. If I still have to manually prep the meshes and materials I will have little reason to leave Unity. (I hope I'm not sounding like a dick, just stating facts. It would make my job a lot easier if the link just worked.)
You would only have to do it once - just create a material with the options you want and then use that as the parent material. Then all you would need is the offset values in your child material.
Do the UV offsets/rotation come through automatically in Unity?
Real-World Map Size is a Max option, not a V-Ray option. When enabled you set the size of the texture in real world measurements (inches, cm, etc) instead of arbitrary number of tiles etc, which is very handy when doing archviz. So if I have a brick material, for example, with the textures set to use Real-world, I can easily move it between meshes and always get the same result. It's hard to say if anything gets exported, I can't see any textures on the mesh. I'm not at work, so I can't send a scene, sorry.
I played around with this in MAX - I think the textures/uvs are working but since we don't take the uv scaling the texture is so small it will appear to be a solid color.
I think disabling aero is optional.
On some machines it affected performance.
But on my machine I run with aero and have no problems with it.
Got a hint about vram issues with MSI and GPUz in WIN 10 and after turning off MSI afterburner I no longer have any crashes.
Autodesk Stingray
Substance Painter ( still waiting on the supposed nvidia fix for large gpu operations crashing substance in win 10 W/ 35X.XX DRIVERS )
All working with NV surround and tri SLI
Don't know if u r doing any testing on win 10 with directX 12 games on the horizon.
But perhaps u can test as much Afterburner/Sting Ray crash on win 10.
I can predictably repeat the issue always resulting in the same joy or suffering by simply turning as much off and on. ( An MSI issue )
I installed the Maya LT SP2 + EXT1 and Stringray today, but the menu is not shown in LT.
19:06:02 [Info] - Running build dc0c2c87edbff1f8fa2793096d4479a54db4fea6
19:06:02 [Debug] - 19.08.2015 19:06:02 [Info] Server started at ws://
19:06:02 [Debug] - 19.08.2015 19:06:02 [Info] Server started at ws://
19:06:02 [Debug] - Loading services took 62 ms
19:06:02 [Debug] - Application registration took 161 ms
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
bei System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
19:06:02 [Debug] - System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Zugriff verweigert
bei System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
bei System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
19:06:04 [Debug] - System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to configure namespace reservation
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.StartListener()
19:07:02 [Error] - System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to configure namespace reservation
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.StartListener()
bei Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost.Start()
bei Stingray.StingrayEditorBackend.Program.Main(String[] args)
Did you try looking in the docs? It tells you how to install the Maya LT Plugin http://help.autodesk.com/view/Stingray/ENU/?guid=__stingray_help_importing_assets_link_to_dcc_html
Try Starting Stingray as admin. look here for some more help on thishttp://forums.autodesk.com/t5/stingray/stingray-crash-at-startup/td-p/5778036 Let me know if that helps
If you subscribe to only Stingray, you only get Stingray.
If you subscribe to Maya LT, you get both.
So if you are interested in both, be sure to subscribe to Maya LT.
this is how to fix
yeah i want to know this too because i intended to restart my sub on steam
^actually this must be confirmation
EDIT2: http://steamcommunity.com/app/243580/discussions/0/528398719789297266/
But it seems there's a delay because of licencing reasons.
Great they realesed a quick start series
I'll be watching this while working on other stuff so i can get a feel for it. maybe i'll download the trial while i wait to restart my sub.
logged into my educational account and the free version was a very fast download and install.
under 15 minutes
pretty awesome with the templates and seeing the provided assets animated live within the viewer after placement was nice and intuitive.
I could see a marketplace thrive around the engine like with Unreal if promoted as well.
Wonder if a C++ version is possible with educational version?
Not sure how much of HIK is available without c++?
Would be nice if walkthrough setup videos would then be available like the ones that walk u thru HIK setup in Unreal.
I am guessing the DCC Art to Engine functionality ( live linking ) requires the Extension versions of Maya or Max?
No Stingray menu in Maya or listed in plug-ins by simply installing Stingray?
Has Stingray color management view transform already existed?
EDIT: Nevermind!
found it!
In your Stingray directory's "Extras folder":
StingrayDCCLink2016 install
as well as PhysX installers!
After Project Skyline I was really hoping that this kind of iteration marriage between asset creation and game dev was going to be realized for the Unreal Engine instead.
HIK code for students would also be a major winner. custom logic for terrain, ai, action and melee fun sounds very inspiring.
EDIT: OI! HIK and Wwise seems as if they may be exposed nicely with flow. I am actually not a fan of creating logic with gui graph connections and would prefer just writing solutions. But if that's all that is going to be available I am hoping flow is fast?
Or do you mean human-ik functionality?
Because the plugin will be there for students, just like everything else
Hi dr jekyll,
Yes you can use flow for Wwise and HIK, but you can also do the same things in Lua script. The great thing about Stingray is it allows users to add game logic in Flow, Script, and source.
sure! Flow and LUA are looking awesome exposing HIK.
By inspiring I meant for students of c++ with an interest in game dev.
Compared to wraping a students head around writing a physics lib or same old shader stuff which might seem even more daunting and less fun considering low level directX 12 and Mantle complexity? Wheras HIK == exciting and fun. && character related stuff is sexy? !a chore.
If you do not want to work with flow or lua, then the other option is c++.
The entire engine is written in c++.
(html5/javascript and C# for editor)
You would need the c++ source license to work on that level with Stingray.
Beyond that, if you have more specific questions, feel free to ask.
You might be able to dig up a couple of things from the help files. There are references for the Lua API and for the flow nodes. IDK if you can get a C++ engine plugin working without source code access, but it might be worth the old college try.
They can help you with that.
I don't have 3 gigs on my c drive...
EDIT: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/installation-licensing/out-of-disk-space-during-installation-to-another-disk-drive/td-p/3759083
Ok they should change how their installation works
It seems there's a button to configure the download path but it doesn't work for me at all...
For a gameware account ( and private access to stingray gitHUB ) explicitly states that Hotmail/Gmail accounts will not be accepted. Only corporate email addys.
( though the registration process mentioned "exemptions" if u made a case for one? )
Wonder if educational email account would be "exempt" for gameware account along with the educational version?
If exploring c++ possibilities with the "advanced option" for monthly lic $50/m or $400/yr. Advanced option is touted as including dev support but does that relieve the corporate email requirement for gameware gitHUB? I suppose I could bring back my website and email addresses if I had to. It would be a pretty hard pill to swallow if one paid up extra for an advanced option year only to learn that one's email address prevented gitHub access all along.
I'm a current Maya LT subscriber, but the account manager makes no mention of Stingray. Has this been implemented yet? If no, is there an ETA?
If you're on steam i don't think it's available yet, otherwise i think you just go into your account manager where you got the maya lt download link.
Hi, can you tell me what issues you are having and when they happen with live link? We would like to address them, but need clear repro steps. You can also record a move if that helps.
Yes we'd really like to see what issues you are running into specifically. Usually the direct-connection stuff is not problematic - but we are discovering bugs in how Stingray handles some data from FBX now that we are getting more users. These problems can crash the engine - editor keeps running though!
Also - if anyone has issues we are working hard at monitoring and responding to users on our internal forums. We're happy to come here too - but response will be slower if we don't miss it altogether.
Anyway. I don't have the time to make any movies and I can't remember exactly what made it crash, it felt like different things every time. But here's what happened/happens:
(I work with archviz, Max + V-Ray)
Since we work in Max/V-ray, all our scenes have V-Ray materials that mostly use "Real-World Map Size" for easy moving between scenes/objects, and since none of those things work with Stingray, the advantage Stingray was supposed to have over Unity/UE4 is gone.
Thanks so much for the feedback! Clearly we need to do some work to better support V-Ray materials. If you are able to share with us a problematic scene, we could fix it even more quickly.
python/mel to lua? Does installation of the DCC link give us any new commands mel functionality we can leverage if nothing else for querying on the Maya side?
For material bitmap offset and rotation you can add UV offsets to your material to achieve the same results. It's tricky to support without making a very complex standard material. In Maya, each texture can have it's own placement for example. So if we wanted to support that we would have many many properties in the material - which you probably don't want.
Here's a thread going over how to add a parameter to adjust tiling:
Rotating wouldn't be that hard to add as well.
I see only up to win 8.1 is officially supported.
Was considering a fresh win 10 install if anyone can confirm all is rosy with Stingray and win 10. Otherwise it a win 7 retreat for me.
About half my programs and in crash the new sli hotfix helped alot but I am still crashing all over win 10. ( worst upgrade experience since win nt 4.0
Stingray works fine for me but I've never disabled aero, just hit no? I would assume that's designed for windows 7 or something cause 10 doesn't use it the same way and i doubt it affects performance that much.
On some machines it affected performance.
But on my machine I run with aero and have no problems with it.
You would only have to do it once - just create a material with the options you want and then use that as the parent material. Then all you would need is the offset values in your child material.
Do the UV offsets/rotation come through automatically in Unity?
I played around with this in MAX - I think the textures/uvs are working but since we don't take the uv scaling the texture is so small it will appear to be a solid color.
Got a hint about vram issues with MSI and GPUz in WIN 10 and after turning off MSI afterburner I no longer have any crashes.
Autodesk Stingray
Substance Painter ( still waiting on the supposed nvidia fix for large gpu operations crashing substance in win 10 W/ 35X.XX DRIVERS )
All working with NV surround and tri SLI
Don't know if u r doing any testing on win 10 with directX 12 games on the horizon.
But perhaps u can test as much Afterburner/Sting Ray crash on win 10.
I can predictably repeat the issue always resulting in the same joy or suffering by simply turning as much off and on. ( An MSI issue )
fixed root joint funkiness I was having and I see in the fix list the admin crash was fixed as well.