Hi!, sorry if this not the propper place to this therad i didn't know where to put it.
Im trying to blend multiple displacements into one mesh and it just dont work
when i do the render it just come up flat :S
The main displacement map i applyed it by createing a plane, adding subdivisions and putting a displace modifier with a bitmap.
I've tryd all i know but im just a begginer in this.
What im trying to do is a landscape with diferent layers of grass ontop one another, but i want the extra detail and i need the displacement map in order to do that.
PD: sorry for my bad english xD
Are you only rendering in Max? Or do you eventually want to export to a game engine? Different workflow is required for each.
I would try the VRayDisplacementMod modifier, with a Composite map as the texture, and add the displacement maps in the Composite. This way you can use Masks for each layer, and you can experiment with layer blending modes (additive, screen, multiply, etc.).
Didn´t had to use the VrayDisplacementMod, just the regular Displacement mod with a Heightmap and Composites hooked to a VrayMtl
It's just a test xD
You should look into VRayDisplacementMod or DispApprox, so you can avoid those low-resolution spikes.