Hi everyone, I recently began to grow interest in Dota 2. I am currently unemployed and while I was browsing the workshop I started thinking about publishing some items too.
But it seems really impossible to make it to the game, there's a lot of people publishing their work and it's like my work would be drowning in the massive list of items.
Am I too late for the creation of Dota 2 items ?
This is the risk that we all(?) have to take
Was it easier to get items into the workshop a handful of years ago? Sure, there were way less people doing it then.
Is it impossible now? No, but it is much harder.
If you want to start making strides towards seeing your items in game, I'd probably recommend doing a 2 or 3 pieces and taking your time to learn the pipeline and the quality bar of some of the items that were just accepted into one of the chests for either TI5 or ESL. Don't really worry about speed at this point, just quality.
After you hit that bar, just rinse and repeat and get faster and faster until you can pump out singles and sets in an incredibly fast manor.
While the workshop is undeniably about quality first, more sets/items obviously yield a higher percentage of seeing your work pay off.