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SOLVED: Custom Smart materials??

Hey guys.

Well I am working on this model and the fabric Needs to have a pattern on it.
I have attached the Pattern on for you to take a look at.

Now my thought is, would it be possible to create this with one smart material, or should I just create the pattern in the Colour ID map?

If it is possible how would I go about creating it?



  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    You'd have to import the texture and its associated PBR textures as a custom material, then create a smart material preset from the final look you want. I don't see why you couldn't pull it off in a single smart material unless you needed to mask out every color because the differently colored fibers are drastically different in reflectance.
  • stumpinater
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    That was the way I imagined doing it, I was just unsure if it was Viable. I will give it a go When I am at the texturing stage!!

    Thanks Synaesthesia!!
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Good luck! Please share the results! :)
  • stumpinater
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    This will have to go on hold at the minute :( Its for an art test but they want the more traditional outputs, Diffuse, Specular, gloss, and normal... I was looking forward to this, but I will give it a go at a later date.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    DDO does create those maps, if you set it to last-gen.
  • stumpinater
    Offline / Send Message
    Oh yeah, I have seen the option before I Just just yet to use it, you have just jogged my memory :). That's going to make my life so much easier.

    Props to you again Synaesthesia
  • stumpinater
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    So this is my final pass on the texturing, before the UV edits to clean areas up.

    To make the texture, I used the reference photos to make a flat material.

    To do this I used my SLR camera to take the references I needed, then identified the best brown patch (least shadows, flattest angle), edited the levels to get the best colour match. Finally used the 'clone stamp tool' to take out any obvious signs that would indicate a repeated texture.

    Using the grid system available in Photoshop I made a selection, to begin the process of creating the pattern. With the desired width selected I copied the section the pasted it on a new layer. For the dark lines, I used Hue/Saturation tool, for the lighter lines I used the levels in order to generate the colours I wanted.

    Final touches included editing the opacity of the lines, and creating coloured squares to emphasise where the pattern overlaid each other.

    Making use of the map creator in Quixel, used the base brown texture (without the pattern) to generate the rest of the textures that I needed Normal, spec... once I had that I could make the new custom smart material. I started off with the denim smart materiel as I needed the stitch normal, so I turned the texture opacity to 0. Then I used ‘add custom material’ to bring in the newly created custom maps.

    After playing with the scales, reflectivity and normal intensity across all of the materials, I then saved that as my new custom smart material!

    Hope that made some sense to people!

    Here is the picture of the couch and the texture I created.
    Apologies for the writing on the texture… I have also rescaled it too!
  • Eric Ramberg
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    Looks great man, I say you nailed it! :)
  • stumpinater
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    Thanks Eric, it means a lot! I have since changed the UV's on the arms of the chair so that the pattern aligns properly.

    I thought I would do a little write up in case anyone else wanted to create a patterned material. :D
  • Eric Ramberg
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    Im sure people would love to see it!
  • stumpinater
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    Just got back to reality, I have been on holiday for a little! on other news I didn't get the job :/ but this is some of the renders I sent in using the custom materials I created!!




  • lilstarfish
    Offline / Send Message
    Wow! Totally awe-stricken here! 8O
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