Hi Everyone,
I am having a weird Problem in 3DO when I load in a custom mesh

I get this weird effect spreading from the bottom left corner and the options side bar, until it eventually covers the whole space.
If i switch to displaying a primitve, it looks fine. I couldn't find any thread with similair problems, so I hope I'm not that guy asking the same old question for the 100st time.
I tried the usual stuff like restarting photoshop, quixel suite and the pc and getting new graphics card drivers.
If it helps, I'm using CS6 and a Gtx 970. Hope someone can help with this. Thanks!
Unfortunately changing it didn't have any effect on the problem. To be sure I also tried a smaller texture resolution and set the screen resolution lower.
I tried the same setup on a different pc and everything works fine there...
@Synaethesia: Ah, I see, I will keep that in mind in case I encounter any issues in the future, thank you
Thanks a lot for the help!
Even Autodesk suggest to turn it off in all common situations.