I already Unwrapped this model
When I export it as an OBJ from 3ds max into ZBrush, the model in Zbrush has no UVs.
When I check if the model has UVs in Zbrush, I have found out that if the "Delete UV" is greyed out, meaning there are No UVs.
I tried your suggestion, but the UVs came out a complete mess.
I see, I did what you asked, and the Uvs Are still on the OBJ import. so that leaves Zbrush in the Grey area
I Always do this, but you know since you where nice enough like bartalon to help me I tried your suggestion.
No luck my friend
Yeah this is the default, export setting I have when I export.
Good point
3ds max 2015
Zbrush 4R7
Then import it into ZBrush. See if that works.
No luck with your suggestion, its clear that its a Zbrush problem, at this point Am at a loss as what to do.
Otherwise I have been lucky as long as I don't do ^that i can do whatever I wanted.
Just thought I would chime in and tell one of my tales so hopefully if you are splitting it you don't and you can see if that works for what you need zbrush for.
Otherwise if you need separated objects split it in max 1 by 1 first and DO NOT combine it in zbrush and you should be alright.
At least on my last two models it has, the ovir and robosam this is how i did it, so here is an example of it working and figuring it out why it wasn't, hope it helps.
Max2012, zbush r6up2.
Thank you for sharing,I simply wanted to paint the model with the Uvs I had unwrapped in 3Ds Max.
I see what did you do to solve the problem in the end?
Transfered the UV's by point order back to the mesh when I was done editing it in Zbrush.
also maybe zoom out in the uvwunwrap modifier in max to make sure you don't have some crazy scaled up uvs you didn't notice.
I see... In English, I mean could you explain what this is, that would be a great help
It occurred to me,
when I import the obj into zbrush,
i would make it a polymesh 3D like I have been taught, turns out you don't, not when you just want to paint the model.
you put the model in the viewpoint and then click edit to begin painting.
Thank you all for your help
I apologize for wasting you time.