I am a fresh user of Maya and struggling a lot with adapting. There is no so many basic things from 3ds max.
But you probably know this.
Right now I am looking for a solution for selecting faces covered by other faces. Like I have a bunch of trees with alpha, but there is too many of them and I want to delete some of them, selected manually.
Manuvering camera to find a bit of face which isn't already covered is very time consuming.
Maya's select tool by default will cover everything, even the non-visible ones completely covered by other things. You can change thins behavior by holding down q and left mouse button in viewport, then move your mouse to > Select > Camera Base selection.
What I want is to select faces as in 3ds max, switching by clicking between occured and non occured ones. Right now there is no way to select covered faces in efficient way.
Btw, there is no @camera base selection under "select".
Sorry not a MAX user here so I wouldn't know exactly, but if you can show me some screenshots how you do it in MAX maybe I can give you a better tip.
Was thinking you probably can select the ones not covered, then shift left mouse drag to reverse, so those covered inside would be selected instead.