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Bone helmet looking for critique and opinion

polycounter lvl 7
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Borx25 polycounter lvl 7
This is a helmet i've done for skyrim, my main concern at the moment is if i should have made the lowpoly more detailed to have a better silhouette, since it's 2015 it wouldn't have had much impact in performance to make all the leather straps in the low, what do you think?

General critique about the asset itself is really appreciated too. Thanks in advance.

Here the shots of highpoly (it had some modifications before this render, mainly opening the jaw more), lowpoly + normal and textured:



  • Lavitz
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    Lavitz polycounter lvl 12
    Nice model, there's only a few things that I can see that I think can be improved.
    The texture can use a better range in colors and tone, looking at a bunch of skulls you will notice they go from an off-white to a dark brown.

    I don't think you should go this light, but you can see some of the porous areas around the eyes and horns that add contrast.


    I think this picture best shows the range of colors you can take advantage of that will really push this helmet.

    As a last little issue that may be a lot harder to fix than it's worth; the leather straps in specific areas can get a little too wavy that make them look like they're loose and draped over the model instead of holding the skull together. You can see it the most in the profile and front view.

    Overall I think it looks sweet, but I feel like the diffuse can be pushed quite a bit further that will really make this model shine.
  • Borx25
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    Borx25 polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks, indeed changing the straps at this stage would be complicated but i'll work more on the diffuse.
  • xChris
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    xChris polycounter lvl 10
    I'd recommend sculpting in some more bone matter/decay. You can see the holes & ridges from the first image reference Lavitz posted give it that old feel, right now its looking a little soft, otherwise real cool helmet dude!
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