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Graduation Year Project Advice

polycounter lvl 3
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ChrisH2 polycounter lvl 3
Hi, I will shortly be beginning my self-directed graduation year project which will last eight months, and I was wondering if anyone could give some advice on what kind of project I should do to maximize my chances of landing a job.

The games industry where I live is almost non-existent, there are some jobs in film and TV, and while there are numerous architectural companies although I don't know how much work there is for CG artists within architectural companies.

I think I should focus on architectural/Film&TV, but I have no idea what I should do for my final project and my lecturer's cant help advise because they are beyond incompetent.

I just need for advice on what an employer would expect to see from an 8 month long project that focuses on Architecture/Film&TV, or what kind of project would be impressive that would branch across both fields.

I'm not asking for actual project ideas just what kind of projects employers would expect to see. Also, are there other fields that employ CG artists that I should be considering?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you for help.


  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Need more info. What is it exactly that you been learning, and what is it that you really want to do. Also, any examples of what you have been making thruout the courses ?

    8 months is a really long time for a project. O o'
  • ChrisH2
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    ChrisH2 polycounter lvl 3
    I've been learning 3dsMax, Zbrush and CAD, mainly focusing on Max.

    I've worked on:

    A Game-ready Character Design Project
    An Event Design Project (Designing an event booth for a convention in CAD and Max)
    I also worked on a team that produced two VR Historical recreation projects.

    I don't have any pictures readily available that I can show. My ideal job is working for a AAA game studio but my main concern is getting a job, preferably in an architecture company. I know of one student who graduated two years ahead of me that went straight into an architecture company doing Max models so that seems like the best bet.

    Its actually two projects, one is 2 months long and one is 6, but they can be combined for our end of year show so ideally they should relate.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    My only advice (based on personal experience) is to focus the project on what you're best at, and for the LOVE OF GOD, do not be overly ambitious. Keep it well within your skill range and make sure the quality level is through the roof.

    If you need help with certain aspects of it that aren't your strong suit, GET HELP! Hire professional sound designers and composers. Many people will think it's ok to just grab some stock footage/music/etc for something, but you shouldn't be afraid to invest your money into making a project that's going to get you a job.
  • ChrisH2
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    ChrisH2 polycounter lvl 3
    We can't hire any extra help, we have to produce everything ourselves.

    I think I should focus on an architectural project but I don't know what architecture companies would look for, should I just take already existing architecture and reproduce it and make some high quality renders or should I create buildings from scratch?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    ChrisH2 wrote: »
    We can't hire any extra help, we have to produce everything ourselves.

    I think I should focus on an architectural project but I don't know what architecture companies would look for, should I just take already existing architecture and reproduce it and make some high quality renders or should I create buildings from scratch?

    Oh really? We were allowed to collaborate as much as we wanted as long as we assigned credit. It was even encouraged. That's too bad.
  • pigart
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    pigart polycounter lvl 6
    If you really want to stick with the architectural road then maybe just recreate some old buildings


    Maybe a few from the outside and then a room from the inside?


    Why are you trying to stick to architecture cg? If you want to work in a AAA studio then focus on that.
  • ChrisH2
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    ChrisH2 polycounter lvl 3
    Should I recreate old buildings or would architecture companies prefer more modern buildings?

    And because architecture is a very close second to AAA but I'm a lot more likely to land a job in architecture, plus I want to be an environment artist so I don't think architecture to that is a huge leap if I ever want to try and switch careers.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Do a project that you think will take 2 months if you're just learning a lot of this for the first time. I've seen people on here try to tackle a huge project with an unrealistic time schedule and I don't think I've ever seen any of them succeed.
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