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DDO failing to create curvature.


I'm doing some small pieces for a project, all of which require some simple DDO work. I've done 2 pieces the same which have worked but with this one DDO will not create a curvature, Cavity, edge or AO with anything in them.

I have tried bringing in all of the primers I have (Colour map, Height, Object space, mesh, normal etc ) but the curvature, Cavity, Edge and AO remain blank. I have tried the other end of the spectrum and just bought in colour and normal and no change.

Here is part of the Normal map can anyone please suggest what is wrong.

Addendum, the normal map is being read. If I create base textures with just the Colour map and Normal the OS map DDO creates is correct and has valid data. However the Curvature, Cavity, edge and AO remain curiously blank.
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