I started a new youtube channel for gaming. Right now I have some of the Last Of Us Grounded mode uploaded. Comment, Rate, and Subscribe.
If you guys have any hands on experience or success stories please share.
Check it out here:
But, whatever.
Seem you just gonna play the games and upload vids on youtube ?? There are plenty of that already.
But if you want to.... here are a few things you can do to get followers.
1. You are not an idiot. Meaning you can pick up new games and play it like a pro. Stumbling around trying to find something is annoying and totally unacceptable.
2. You can talk well while you play. I follow some Let's Plays on youtube, because the host has good personality. He doesn't errr... umm...... eh.... ah..... and lost for words. Also know when not to talk. (cinematic/dialogue, etc)
3. You get your hands on brand new games, as well as games ppl want to see/play.
4. Your playthrough is of much better quality. Maybe you only play on Hardest Difficulty. Maybe you always pick challenging choices in the game, maybe you use interesting mods.
But try to do interesting things with your content. Most lets players I watch, I watch more for there personality than the games they are playing.
Like some people like FRANKIEonPCin1080p and EvilViking13 are a lot of fun to watch no matter what game they are playing. Reason they got great personalities and are energetic. Both of these you-tubers role play in their games a lot which adds a lot to the content.
I have a passion for videogames.I love to play them, review them. It's fun for me to share my gameplay with others. I'm just doing this for fun. If I get enough attention I plan to contact a gaming network for pay.
Eligibility requirements
500 or more subscribers
Channels is at least 30 days old
Channel has uploaded a photo for the channel icon
Channel has uploaded channel art
So If you guys could help me out and hit the subscribe button. I promise I'll bring outstanding content. Thanks
If this is not the place to post something like this let me know. But from what I read about GD forums is that this is the place where off topic things go.
However this is a duplicate thread, so I'm closing it. Please reply to the existing thread if you have updates or feedback.
Showing up, dropping a link, and peacing out is a pretty cruddy way of getting supporters. Sell it!
Which got closed as it was a duplicate of your original thread:
Maybe, instead of creating a new thread, update your original thread of the videos you're doing, and actually give people a reason to subscribe.
I see you got enough subscribers to prettify your url.
Just stick to giving updates in the first thread you already made.
As someone who has his own youtube channel... you don't need subs to unlock youtube features you just have to give youtube information about yourself XD
Firstly you need to zoom out your webcam from your face. Right now its way too crowded and in your face feeling...
Secondly, as someone who does youtube as well; I would highly recommend that you avoid recording games that have publishers/studios that's will go after you for posting videos of gameplay from their games. Naughty Dog is one of these...and since they made The Last of Us-I would stop recording it.
However, there is a list of games were you know exactly whether you can monetize or not.
My post re sub number was based on OPs post #9, regarding eligibility:
But you are correct, you just need to verify your account and link either your website or your +page, to get access to the custom URL feature.
Thanks for pointing that out for me, something that I'm going to do for my own channel
there are thousands of people doing tlou gameplay videos. Don't I just need commentary over it to be okay?
Not really no, since the majority of the content is gameplay from their game...and is thus their copyright. The only way you would be able to avoid this would be to get written permission from the publisher itself. You can usually find out if a game can be monetized/put on youtube, if you google search: the name of the game + video monetization policy.
However, most games like The Last of Us can however be streamed safely on Twitch.