"Project: Verloren" Distopian Cyberpunk Inspired EnvironmentGreetings everyone! After a few months at Bungie, I figure it is about time for my next environment project!This time around I will be creating an environment heavily inspired by Kowloon (The City of Darkness) with Cyberpunk Aesthetics.Inspiration will be drawn heavily from Kowloon, Deus Ex, The art works of Tatsuyuki Tanaka, Hashima Island, as well as other Cyberpunk and Modern aesthetics.Goals *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Highly Dynamic "Alive" Environment
Focus on World Building and Storytelling elements of design
Effective use of Reference
3 Beauty Shots / 2 Animated .gifs / 1 Video Render Story *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*
In the distant future, deep in the heart of New America lies the lost city of Verloren. Originally intended to be compact affordable housing for the poor, it quickly became a hotbed for the crime industry and the go-to spot for illegal activity. Each level of Verloren has a unique niche. One of the most popular black market industries run out of loren is the back market augmentation industry. There are many shops that sell illegally acquired and altered body parts. From limb to organ, most anything can be found at the body shop. While most of the surrounding city has grown into a new and prosperous era, loren has stagnated into the new City of Darkness.Reference Board *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*PINTREST BOARD LINK
Current *WIP*I'm still very much in the Pre-Production stages; gathering reference, adding story elements, blocking out the space, and designing.
What I have is highly WIP but I thought I'd share anyways!
Hope you enjoyed what I shared, and as always feedback is ALWAYS appreciated!!
Happy Arting!
PS. Shoutout to
Smoothbrain for the help gathering reference!
You got my head spinning at redline rpm's with this and it's so cool to be able to contribute- even if a lot of my pins are just to gross you out
Cause that would be hot.
Although Cyberpunk as a theme does not suit me, but this seems really interesting.
Yes! Dirty Cyberpunk is pretty much the goal!
No, I am not Dutch. I just did my research to come up with that :P
I'm okay with that. becuase you're lightyears ahead of me in modeling speed and a ton of other things I'm sure! Perhaps one day with enough projects like these I shall catch up :P
You should go for it!! This scene might develop a bit slowly because I may be crunching at work soon, but I'll try to update regularly!
Thanks!! And yeah, cyberpunk isn't for everyone, that is for sure! There is a lot of nuance to it in order to make it click.
Sub bros
DAT GIF THO! haha thanks man!
You got it bro! Thanks for the help with the reference
Thanks dude! I shall definitely be posting on FB but I like to have PC threads too because community feedback is key! Once it get further along I'll be posting to 10K Hours Group as well
short question: are you from germany, because of the title of your project?
Thanks! And no I am not of German decent, I was just doing research on words that would fit my theme as part of my planning for the project and picked that one
Thanks dude! I'm pretty pumped to see what I can do myself!
Those are fantastic!! Thanks much!
right after I posted this I went on a vacation, had PAX, and then have been working really hard on Destiny! Even after launching The Taken King, still hard at work at work, with little to no time for personal stuff. Soon though. despite a crazy work schedule I am going to try and get some stuff done soon! This update I am about to show was done right before I left for vacation in August, but I totally forgot to post it!