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Hand Painted Props

Hello everyone. Over the last few weeks I have began learning hand painted textures. Here are a few of the props I have made for a small diorama type projects. They are only diffuse maps and 100% hand painted in photoshop. The first image is the props implemented into Unity 5. This is my first 3 weeks of hand painting so comments and critiques are much appreciated. Thanks a lot!




  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Looks great!
    Not sure about the rocks in the first image but the rest looks good. Hope you get some crits from the handpaint guys here on polycount.
  • mgraham235
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    kanga- thanks for the response. yeah this was my first attempt for a project we had. I will be revisiting most of these textures in some way and those rocks are definitely one that needs some work.
  • Turneep
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    I really like the wood on your Barrels and the Chest.

    Your Crates seem a bit weird to me. In the first Image they are very desaturated and the Purple Shadows are too strong. In the second Image they seem overly saturated and you have lost the contrast of the cool shadows with the warm highlights that you have captured well on your Chest and Barrels.
  • mgraham235
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    Yeah the crate was the first one that I made so it was when I was just trying to get used to the techniques. When I revisit it I plan on trying to hit the look of the wood that is on the chest. Thanks for the feedback!
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