I'm not sure if this is a very noob question.. I've been animating in Max for a few years, but am fairly new to CAT rigs.
I am moving some animation from an old rig of mine onto a new one, to use as a starting point for some new animation. I successfully mapped the old animation onto the new CAT rig, using CAT's "capture animation" dialogue.
The only thing which is confusing me, is that I assumed the captured animation would be fully editable (and use normal keyframes).
New keyframes did appear in timeline and curve editor - however, if I delete all keyframes, the bones still move - and I discovered there are some additional 'dotted line' curves in the curve editor.
I have uploaded a screen grab showing the dotted curves here.
Can anyone explain what is going on here? Is it possible to somehow collapse all the mapped animation to a normal animation layer?
Any ideas super appreciated!