Hey guys, I graduated from college a few months ago with an awful demo reel, and have been working on this new one since my internship ended. I'd appreciate any critiques or pointers you could give me to help with my job search.
Or you can watch it on my website
P.S. if anyone knows how to embed vimeo videos in on this forum, let me know!
Do you have any suggestions on what else I should make to include in the reel? The only other work I have is assignments from school which are not very impressive to look at.
Just my opinion, welcome to the jungle
I'll be posting some new stuff around here soon, thanks again!
You could easily make this just two camera angles. Keep the opening shot but make it just a linear pullout, and then the last angle.
As for the animation: everything is really stiff and straight, there needs to be arcs and nice curved lines of action. Here is an example of what I mean http://www.animatorisland.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Posing0003.jpg