Persian Warrior / Art Bully Productions Workshop
Hey Guys,
I wanted to show off one of our in-house character projects that we've recently completed here at
Art Bully Productions. The Persian Warrior character, among others in the works, was an in-house test of sorts to measure our ability in creating a reference benchmark for tier 1 AAA current gen hero characters. We also undertook this project as a continuing effort to bolster our character content gallery, as well as to present our latest skill sets to our current and any prospective clients.
The character was largely inspired by the film Kingdom of Heaven, Assassin's Creed, and Prince of Persia. We held games like Ryse Son of Rome and The Order: 1866 as visual benchmarks throughout the production process.
This character was taken from concept to completion by the team below.
Art Director / Marcus Dublin
Principal Character Artist / Mashru Mishu
Concept Artist / Paul Boutros
The presentation renders were produced in Marmoset Toolbag 2.
We'll be posting some additional construction images in this thread. Currently, we're working on getting the character into Unreal Engine 4 and Cry Engine 3. I'm pleased to say that the initial setup that we have in UE4 is almost 1 to 1 with the Marmoset results.
Lastly, this character will serve as part of our animation demo reel. I'll be sure share video of this whenever we have something tangible to show.
In the meantime, feel free to share your thoughts and comments.

Also great concept and ref sheets.
here are some more images:
I'd love a breakdown or details on how you are matching the results in UE4 and Marmo.
Can you tell us what the final texture count wound up being?