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3dsMax - select overlapped uvs?

polycounter lvl 6
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GhosTDoG polycounter lvl 6

I'm looking for a script/tool, which selects overlappings UVs.

Textools got "shift overlap" but it doesn't work properly. Either it does nothing, or it selects all overlapping uvs.

What I need is something which selcts only the mirrored stuff on top of the original (bottom) uv island, while the original uv island stays untouched.



  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Maybe not the most elegant solution but you can easily do this with modifiers.
    Add a Vol. select modifier, set it to face selection level and leave the other options on default. Then just move the box gizmo so it covers everything which is mirrored. Then add a uvw xform modifier and set it to
    offset U by 100 cm ( this number might be different depending on unit scale).

    I've uploaded a more complex version of this here https://www.dropbox.com/s/9l2sxha0b7c4cke/ModStack.max?dl=0

    It basically mirrors everything with mat Id 1, welds verts, offsets UVs and sets up a cage. While leaving the unsymmetrical faces untouched.

  • GhosTDoG
    Offline / Send Message
    GhosTDoG polycounter lvl 6
    @ Joost

    Thx a lot for the workaround.

    I did some tests with textools.

    It works only per object, without instanced unwrap modifiers - means, u can't use it with multiple objects with an unwrap modifier (instance) on top of your objects.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Yeah I usually don't bake many separate objects so it's not too much of an issue for me.
  • Eric Chadwick
    I asked the guy who made PolyUnwrapper about this. He shared an in-progress script with me which does this... it selects the overlapping faces, breaks them (if welded), and offsets them, leaving one set of shells behind. Worked pretty well. I think he has plans to add it to PolyUnwrapper but just hasn't gotten to it yet. You should ask him about it.
  • spacefrog
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    spacefrog polycounter lvl 15
    You can use XView for overlapping UV selection

    Views->XView->Overlapping UV's than pick Views->XView->Select Results

    Only problem is, that the object has to be a collapsed edit mesh/or poly object
    no stack or edit mesh/edit poly modifier

    Pretty stupid limitation, as it would be great if XView would simply place a "Mesh select" onto the stack for this. i might take another look at the SDK sample code for Xview (already worked with it in the past) or maybe create a feature request ?

    A way to automate this would be
    * create a snapshot and select it
    * xview overlapping UV
    * xview select result
    * add select mesh modifier
    * copy&paste select mesh modifier onto original object
    * delete snapshot mesh

    ...And script this whole procedure
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