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Portfolio Critique and Advice !!! :)

polycounter lvl 9
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sci_mind polycounter lvl 9
Hi everyone.

I've been making characters for about 3 years now. I've been able to work on some pretty cool projects. The thing is I dont get steady work. I really want something more stable, like a studio job.

Anyone have any advice on how I can do to get into a studio as a character artist. In my work I like to cover a wide range of styles.

Also a critique of my work, perhaps tell me what level I'm at in terms of skill level and what I need to work on.

Thank you everyone

Link to my website: www.terrell3d.weebly.com

I have more work on my artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/terrell783


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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    You have some great work here, I love the Starcraft swarm creature the most. I think you just need to push your portfolio a bit more to find a steady character gig at a studio. For the work you have now, I think presentation could be better by improving posing, lighting, and layout. The black backgrounds with static poses makes them look all unfinished, and the presentation stage makes a huge difference on how your work is viewed. You art station shows that you have some good anatomy knowledge and stylization skills, but your portfolio does not. I think finishing up one of those more human characters would help your portfolio a lot.
  • Jaston3D
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    Jaston3D polycounter lvl 8
    Your quality of work is actually really good! It looks like you've sorted your best works pretty well. I would definitely try and find a better theme template and also go ahead and bite the bullet and pay for your own domain, you want to be a professional in industry so own your profession and pay that little extra for your own domain. I checked your resume and your top line "character" is spelled wrong :P
  • Blizz_kathyz
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    Blizz_kathyz polycounter lvl 7
    Hi Terrell,

    Great sculpts so far! Love your Blizzard fanart and those portraits as well. What stands out to me as something you could do to take your portfolio to the next level is to work on your anatomy. This is one of those artist fundamentals that I am not seeing your work. I would suggest taking some figure drawing courses, doing anatomy studies, drawn or sculpted, or doing taking a course in ecorche. The more you study the easier it will become. Even in creature characters we look for understanding of anatomy. You can still push and stylize cartoony or creepy creatures while maintaining some of those fundamentals for believability. Besides this, I would also recommend studying some traditional painting to improve your textures. Your portfolio is on the right track though, refine and polish and you'll get there. Keep it up!
  • sci_mind
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    sci_mind polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you to everyone for the feedback I cant stress enough how much this helps me :)
  • sci_mind
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    sci_mind polycounter lvl 9
    Do you think it would help my presentation if i made small scenes for them?
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    I think you are just a hop skip and jump away from nailing it! As others have said, dive into the anatomy. The suggestion to do life drawing is very important, but also find anatomy tutorials and pick an artist who's work you admire from among those artists.

    The comments about your presentation are also spot on. I find its easier to see rather than tell so here are super ideas for attractive character presentations. You wouldn't necessarily need to make a reel but the content of these reels should give you some ideas. http://www.cgstudentawards.com/next-gen-gaming/soty-finalists-games?view=category

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