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[Unity3D] Photosourced foliage pack

polycounter lvl 7
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mikolajspy polycounter lvl 7
Pack is available on Unity AssetStore - http://u3d.as/ig8 :)
I'm currently working on photosourced foliage pack for Unity. It will include variety of different plants. There will be grass, flowers, ferns, thyme, lavender, iris, and also some bushes like rhubarb, blueberry, barberry and some that I don't know the name, and pretty much whatever I found interesting in my garden :poly124: . All based on my own photos :) Fern leaves distribution is also based on real-life plants :)
There will be possibility to change color of some foliage to fit better to your mood or season of the year, you will be even able to make some alien planet plants from these! (see attachement)
Let me know what you think :)

Here are screens:


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