Hey people!
I asked about juggernauts scale a while back and I thought it was time to post what I've been up to.
Im currently working on a juggernaut set inspired by ninjas/stealth. Not that he can stealth in game, but he feels like an assassin to me when he hunts down lone heroes and kills them in an instant.
The skinning process has been a hell to say at least, but Im happy with it, currently working on his textures. His weapon is still in block mode and I think Ill start working on it soon.
Suggestions, critique and feedback is always welcome!

You could add a couple of more scratches scattered around the helmet, maybe make the one under the eye a bit bigger. Right now to me the headpiece looks a bit like a block, love the shape just need some details. Otherwise love it
Thx! Yes I do, I checked all other juggie sets and I just wanted to do something completely different. Not sure if that is a good thing or not
I think you are right about the helmet, I should do some more prominent scratches in the sculpt and add more contrast to the color map. Thank you for your feedback!
Deeper scratches and more details in the mask would help it look better in the portrait too.
but ya i agree with most of the above comment, the sword is not welly designed (there is some problem with the model, why is the blade not shiny?)
the mask doesnt fit jugg that well too.....
and clothes for jugg, hmm...think in this way - originally most of jugg set, jugg will remain orange colour in game view, while yours, it change COMPLETELY, its no longer that visible in game either
so, giving clothes to jugg is a good call, but make sure he stay AROUND the same colour theme as what he originally is.
the fabric looks a bit too "thick" looking for me too
but overall its a good theme, should explode it more
Heh yeah he looks a little like TMNT. Guess the bandana does a lot! The sword is bland because it is still in block stage.
It's a bit simple, I'll admit. I'm gonna do some paintovers and see if I can make it more interesting and make it fit his clothing better!
I hear you, I have not been sure about whether he looks way too off from the original Jugg or not. I'm gonna check more sets beside Jugg and see how much sets can differ from original design! It's a good point.
Thank you! There could certainly be more details, now that I've been away from the design a couple of days. The helmets shape could be improved as you say, I'm gonna do some paintovers.
Thank you! As I wrote earlier, the sword is still ia block model. I'm gonna make a more fitting design now that I have set... kinda complete haha. I'll check the color scheme, see what I can do with the current design or if I have to change the model. ^^ The thickness is a good point though, I think the sleeves make the clothing look thick?
Thank you all for your feedback and critique, it helps a lot! I'll make some paintovers later on Monday with your feedback in mind, cheers!
and i think one of the reason that makes the whole set looks "thick" (fabric part i mean), probably cause it is not "next to" his skin, it has a large volume there, if u get what i mean?
imagine like, u look at a girl wearing tight clothes, compare to looking at a girl wearing winter clothes, the winter clothes usually makes her whole body larger, while tight clothes is right next to the skin which u can see the SHAPE of the body
and right now, i cant see the /shape/ of jugg body
I've changed the color scheme to Juggs original colors and I admit it looks much better in the end. I've reworked his head design. The sword is still untouched, figured Id give that some time soon!
I tried making the suit more tight, following his body but alas impossible with my current skinning problem. I don't have the original torso skinning since Valve scaled Jugg +15% and they havent updated the downloadable rig. I actually tried export skin weights from the old rig to the new one, but it didnt work as expected. This is why my "back" model is so thick.
Here is the new stuff!
Chaos Prophet: Thanks man! It was a struggle!
ShorkGamer: Thanks! Cheers
After a lot of blood, sweat and tears I'm finally done with my second Dota 2 Set for Juggernaut, "The Silent Step".
I'd like to thank people here on PC for all feedback, it has been very helpful!
Cheers guys, here is the link if anyone would like to vote:
whatever: Thanks, warms my heart!
kendmd: Thanks, that was what I was aiming for, something more simple and clean. It doesn't have to be over the top to look cool, but I think people who put money into customs sets really wants to stand out.. but I enjoyed making the set so what does it matter?
I've already started sketching on a new set for a new character, I'll post a new thread with all my work instead of separate threads. Hopefully I'll have something to show soon, other than that, thank you Polycounters for your feedback!