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polycounter lvl 5
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metric meditation polycounter lvl 5
Hey Folks, This is Jamin Shoulet.

My video of stylized texture painting on Youtube is at nearly 100,000 views... but since it was filmed on school property, I did not get paid for it. Hell, if I had 50 cents for every view I would be out of debt by now. So I want to direct your attention to a 2.5 hour bootcamp that I have for sale on Vimeo. I choose Vimeo because they only take a 10% cut as opposed to youtube, which takes about a 50% cut.



  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Youtube doesn't work like that, first it's not 0,5 cent by view it's like 0,02cent or even less I think it doesn't even work by view but by a package of view. Also they need to contact you and from the point they contact you YOU'LL receive money, those before doesn't count. That's because what gave them money is a huge flow of view in a short time like 100k view in 3days. no 100k view over X time.
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