hello everyone...
well my question is very simple but i didnt find any solution elsewhere...
how to export animation from marvelous designer 4 to unreal engine 4...?
hope someone has the right answer cause its drivin me crazy tryin' all the
thank u in advance...;)
MD's animation is handled via simulation. So to get the same clothing animation you'd need to either 1: export the mesh and bring it into unreal as a PhysX clothing asset, and let Unreal do the simulation. (which will work with varying degrees of success), or 2: Export your clothing animation as a pointcache, then import that pointcache to your favorite DCC app, and then export it for use in unreal as vertex animation. https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Animation/Tools/VertexAnimationTool/index.html
This is going to be Very space intensive and also likely bog the engine down a bit as vertex animation is significantly more resource intensive than bone animation or even simulation (at typical game res sim), but you'll get more exact motion to what you see in MD.