there once was a script out there which had a solid chamfer option!
but now it is not ^^
maybe anybody has a similar script or knows some script like that...
now we can extrude edge like max and solid chamfer with this
it works with maya 2015. can someone with experience C++ maya plugin compile it so it works with maya 2016? i think he share the source code too.
Just set the default roundness value to 100 and use the Auto fit toggle to switch between the Solid and chamfer bevel profiles.
Keep in mind that you can't have more than two segments using this technique for Solid Bevel.If you go over 2 segments you will have some bloby corners.
I want this so bad... the roundness value trick messes up your faces a tiny bit.. not perfect. so annoying that max and modo have this but maya can't do it. it would save so much time if you have to do highly detailed hard surface like bulagorv style mechs or detailed airplane rotars/landing gear.
Good news, everyone! I've happened to get attention of Maya product manager to this issues while this feature is still hot and there's a chance that it will be considered for further improvements. While we can't know for sure how this will turn out, it is encouraging nonetheless.
Good news, everyone! I've happened to get attention of Maya product manager to this issues while this feature is still hot and there's a chance that it will be considered for further improvements. While we can't know for sure how this will turn out, it is encouraging nonetheless.
Good news indeed, hopefully those issue get fixed.
Maybe someone can compile the plugin Byron Suite for version 2016? The author himself does not want to deal with this, but said it was not so difficult for the programmer. It will be possible to use the solid chamfer with the correct Bevel the edges.
They improved some smaller things that people consider important in Maya. Treidge - Talking to product Managers means nothing; I've talked to some of Autodesk tool developers but they don't have the freedom to fix and release a patch within a week. They have rules to follow, and as much as I too would like those rules broken, it isn't going to happen. You can only hope next extension for 2016 they add it.
They improved some smaller things that people consider important in Maya. Treidge - Talking to product Managers means nothing; I've talked to some of Autodesk tool developers but they don't have the freedom to fix and release a patch within a week. They have rules to follow, and as much as I too would like those rules broken, it isn't going to happen. You can only hope next extension for 2016 they add it.
Since not being able to keep the edge parallel with chamfering off is a bug of sorts, it is something that could be fixed in a service pack rather than an extension.
I've never expected a fix for this in a week or so in the first place. As you said, most likely it will not happen until the next release. However, I can't agree that voicing our concerns means nothing. True, developers themselves aren't free in their decisions on how to schedule their tasks and priorities, but if no one even speaks of the issues - then possibility that something will change for good sooner than later is a matter of chance, and given the complexity of Maya this chance is slim.
We can clearly see how Maya was improved in latest versions in modeling and UV editing, so at least the team responsible for this development is taking their work seriously. Taking into account how decisions are made in entities like Autodesk, what we can and actually should be doing is to speak to the devs and spotlight the issues we see, suggest the ideas for further development and provide feedback at the right time and in the right places. The developers then will be able to take our voices to their managment and say "See? This is what people want. We need to put a man to work on this now". Without users like us showing what they really want to be done the devs will be unable to back their ideas before the higher-ups, so they would be unable to work on features we want even if the devs themselves actually want to do something about it.
Long story short: we can't take a direct control of this hippopotamus, but we can tickle it in the right place to make a move we want here and there.
Close but no cigar, I'm ecstatic about the improvement, but it still has it's quirks. Miter along edge works pretty well, but there are still some funky areas, with a smaller bevel like I would actually use in practice this would be hard to tell but they are different widths in certain places, and as established earlier in the post force parallel doesn't work with chamfer off.
Actually, I think that Force Parallel should be On. The full stack of settings is: Chamfer = OFF, Force Parallel = ON, Miter Along = Edge. However, as it was already confirmed, even like this some edges will be skewed a bit. I hope that devs will find a solution to fix this, but I'm suspecting it will not be as simple as "we will add a line here and fix a typo there".
*sigh* Voted for it with my collegue. Seems like this was introduced by the newer bevel algorithm of Maya 2016, as it is reproduced in Maya 2016 without Extension 2. The old algorithm, forced with the following command, behaves correctly:
what i am talking about is a normal bevel operation with 2 segments, but with the middle edge staying the same ^^
like that
but now it is not ^^
maybe anybody has a similar script or knows some script like that...
it was called
here is the description:
it works with maya 2015. can someone with experience C++ maya plugin compile it so it works with maya 2016? i think he share the source code too.
though it looks correct each individual edge is still rounded by .n degrees.
( upping the roundness value past 100 gives no more apparent advantage )
Just set the default roundness value to 100 and use the Auto fit toggle to switch between the Solid and chamfer bevel profiles.
Keep in mind that you can't have more than two segments using this technique for Solid Bevel.If you go over 2 segments you will have some bloby corners.
Funnily enough, a few hours after I saw this post, I got an email notification that this very thing is under review on the maya feedback site
Maybe it makes it into the next version? Either way, go sign up and vote for it, and other annoying maya stuff too.
Hopefully it will be in the next version of Maya
Can't be certain on a flat face, but that miter "patch" option at about 1:05 sure does look promising
is it out jet?
If I'm not mistaken the "solid bevel" is present:
Yup, was just about to post that here. Modeling-wise the curve warp looks cool too, and they have some interesting UV stuff also.
While the feature is there, it creates odd geometry on non right angled shapes though.
Treidge - Talking to product Managers means nothing; I've talked to some of Autodesk tool developers but they don't have the freedom to fix and release a patch within a week. They have rules to follow, and as much as I too would like those rules broken, it isn't going to happen. You can only hope next extension for 2016 they add it.
We can clearly see how Maya was improved in latest versions in modeling and UV editing, so at least the team responsible for this development is taking their work seriously. Taking into account how decisions are made in entities like Autodesk, what we can and actually should be doing is to speak to the devs and spotlight the issues we see, suggest the ideas for further development and provide feedback at the right time and in the right places. The developers then will be able to take our voices to their managment and say "See? This is what people want. We need to put a man to work on this now". Without users like us showing what they really want to be done the devs will be unable to back their ideas before the higher-ups, so they would be unable to work on features we want even if the devs themselves actually want to do something about it.
Long story short: we can't take a direct control of this hippopotamus, but we can tickle it in the right place to make a move we want here and there.
polyBevel -com 1 -fraction 0.5 -offsetAsFraction 1 -autoFit 1 -segments 1 -worldSpace 1 -uvAssignment 0 -smoothingAngle 30 -fillNgons 1 -mergeVertices 1 -mergeVertexTolerance 0.0001 -miteringAngle 180 -angleTolerance 180 -ch 1