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Portfolio Website Review

polycounter lvl 5
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4bidn polycounter lvl 5
Under construction, Really nothing left to see. Sorry about that.

Please take a look,


If it doesn't work let me know which browser you were using. Because of the Java it won't work with Firefox. It's bummer, but I do like this web builder service. Should work with mobile, so if you want to test it, I would love to hear about it. :)

Things to add:
Descriptions on each page. I like the look without them, but I think I should add anyhow.
Attach resume.
Redo the renders of the Handgun(magnum) in Marmoset.



  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    The shotgun is easily 3x better than all the rest (and very nicely modeled), so imo the reasonable thing would be to delete all the rest and work on 2 new things that you can show off too. (also textures and bake ?)
    Your presentation is not nice, gradients are best when they are subtle, and the lighting and materials could be a bunch better, more contrast and using image based lighting at best. Also download a simple font that you use throughout such as Roboto per example, the text also degrades the images a bunch atm. Id focus on creating new things at your current level, ditch the old things they only drag you down
    and then work a bit on presentation and website and post about it here
  • 4bidn
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    4bidn polycounter lvl 5
    Shrike, Thank you for your comments. You brought up a lot of good points.

    For my website:
    Long term goal: Yes, replace everything with better more complete art. I agree totally there, but this will take some serious time. In the mean time...

    Short term goals:
    How can I present the stuff I have now better?
  • 4bidn
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    4bidn polycounter lvl 5
  • shadacer
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    shadacer polycounter lvl 6
    Highpoly stuff looks pretty good, but it seems you're going for a more weapon artist-based portfolio. Perhaps the next step is some completed props, with textures :)
  • proximity
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    proximity polycounter lvl 9
    Your website is hard to navigate it wasnt obvious that the images were clickable links and then in side the images you have random props aswell. i would suggest eithe rputting everything onto one page or breaking them up into categories and/or projects.
  • 4bidn
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    4bidn polycounter lvl 5
    On a side note: When you get permission to use work in your portfolio, GET IT IN WRITING. :)

    I had remove somethings IMMEDIATELY, plus what I already removed = nothing left.

    I am better off, I just doesn't look like it right now. Plenty of space for new shit. yeah.

    proximity Thank you. That section would be all hard surface modeling. Not necessarily props. But it sure would be nice I had said so though. I really don't like pages that are nothing but thumbnails, but I understand your point.

    shadacer Thx! Sounds like the thing to do.
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