Hi Polycount,
I was looking for thread like this and could not find anyone facing same issue so i'll post this here.
I am quite new to rigging in Maya and this probably is something really stupid that I did not noticed but all my weight paints get removed after I deselect the joint or toggle the painting on another joint.
It is really frustrating as I can't find a way to save my weight values.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! THANKS
that's not shading I am showing there. Its a weight paint values displayed on the model in black and white.
I found I encountered fewer oddities if, before I began painting weights, I assigned all vertex weights to the root joint (100% influence) and made sure there were no stray values above zero on any other joint. This is easily accomplished using the Component Editor.
Note: Maya LT does not come equipped with the Component Editor, unless it was renamed...
Hope this helps
1. It looks like some skin weights are locked which is why you can't add influence from them to the foot. Try to unlock them inside the paint skin weights tool:
2. Make sure 'Maintain Max Influences' is turned off. This controls how many joints can influence one skin weight. Also "Normalize Weights" should be set to 'Interactive':
Hope, this helps.