I have been getting an issue when baking normals in maya 2014.
Gnerally I use a combining of bevelling and subvidiving on my high poly and both are causing artifacts in my normal map.
PLease see the attached image for an example.
Has anyone else encountered a similar issue?
If so is there a known fix?
Thanks for your help in advance.
We have more info here.
Thanks for your reply.
Yes I saved out at 32 bit .exr from maya an it fixed the issue.
Problem now is that when I convert to 8 bit I get a lot of noise.
Is there a way to bake as a 16/32 bit .TGA?
You can bake tiff in xnormal for 16 bit, but most game engines don't support 16 bit so you will need to convert to 8 bit anyway.
Thanks for your reply.
As a side note, what baker would you recommend?
Yes I am favouring the handplane approach currently. Baking in object appears to give cleaner bakes too.
Thanks again.