I need to stick plants and grass models onto a mesh, something similar to fur but where each fur is a custom object. anyone know of a way i can do this?
i would use speed-tree, but its alot slower than maya on my computer.
thanks, Looks promising; how can i use "paint effects" on an objects faces (with each placed object perpendicular to the face) rather than just a plane?
I have found something called "Geometry paint" ( example vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s94q4Rz_BY )
which paints an object on a mesh, I have a problem with it; In the geometry paint settings window, everything works EXCEPT when i check the "Grid" tick box, i cant paint anything on the mesh... as in nothing is painted and there are no errors/warnings. Grid is really important to me as i need to paint more than one object per polygon. really need help with that and cant find anything anywhere on that problem.
which paints an object on a mesh, I have a problem with it; In the geometry paint settings window, everything works EXCEPT when i check the "Grid" tick box, i cant paint anything on the mesh... as in nothing is painted and there are no errors/warnings. Grid is really important to me as i need to paint more than one object per polygon. really need help with that and cant find anything anywhere on that problem.