Hey all. I'm getting my butt kicked in Maya right now and am looking for any help..
So I have a Red (vray) material plugged into a vray blend material. I want to add decals over this material using coat materials controlled by masks.
I want to be able to "project" the decals using plane UV projection, but I do not want to use a project place 3d node because projecting like that gets messy considering the projection gizmo needs to be linked to the object for animation...
I have 2 decals to add, but only can seem to add one successfully as I cannot get my head around how to control the UVS!
Is there a damn simple way like in 3ds max to explicitly tell Maya what UV Projection to use? Is the Texture-centric relationship editor my best bet? How the hell can I preview different UV Sets in the viewport??? Even one by one would help out a lot.
I've tried using the relationship editor with Texture-centric UV mapping (with sets), but the reaction in this menu is super super slow at best and I can't seem to get the links to work properly..
I've also tried using a layered texture to control the masks, but without being able to plane project the masks on and control placement with UV gizmos this doesn't really work well.
What would be the best way to do this? I'm going to have to do this a million times in the future and am looking for the quickest most efficient way. Thank you.
EDIT: Missing the hell out of 3ds max right now.. lol