Here is what i do:
1.) Unwrap the half of my Model in Headus UV Layout, Export.
2.) Add Symmetry Modifier in 3DsMax, Collapse Stack.
3.) Add Unwrap Modifier go to Tools\Select all Inverted Faces Offset them by 1.
4.) Horizontally Flip each UV Island that i just moved.
So this is one Side of the mesh, as you can see it´s perfectly baked.
Now the other Side...
I literally have no idea what the issue could be here so Thank you in advance for all your help!
UV´s of course.
In case you dont have max here is a pic of my UV´s.
That was the problem.... XD
I was following this tutorial
and he is flipping his UV´s horizontally but i guess it because of the specicifc mesh he is using.
anyway Thanks man!
Just think of the offsetting like this ... you want 2 islands to share UV space but you don't want them to collide while baking. So you just shuffle one over by an entire UV shell. If you imagine the normal map tiling horizontally, this still allows both islands to share the same normal information but they won't collide when the baker is casting rays.
That's all it is.