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ACE Socom Stock [WIP]

polycounter lvl 3
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jpmonster68 polycounter lvl 3
Hello, I've been working on the ACE Socom Stock for use with a couple firearm projects, and i would like to hear some feedback. A few questions, infact, regarding the smoothing of a specific set of edges. Im also very new to modelling, so dont be to harsh.

Ref. Image 715901.jpg

The Highlighted edges in the last pic are the ones i can't figure out how to smooth, normal and quad chamfer won't work, and the solution is probably obvious to you, but im a noob! Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!


  • C86G
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    C86G greentooth
    Don´t use (quad) chamfering at all, if you don´t have to. Work with supporting edges. This way you can control the hardness of the edge later without having to recreate the main edge.

    That won´t work perfectly now, but select all side polygons of the blueish part and hit "inset". That should give you an idea of how to do it. If not, we will help you anyway : )

    edit: something like this would work

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