Hi all,
I'm getting this weird bug every time I unwrap model in Zbrush. I tried to fix normals, set to face, etc. But set to face returns them to hard edge and when I got back to soft edge, I get the bug again. Anybody knows how to fix this? Even baking normals doesn't properly work with this.
A short explanation about custom vertex normals (tutorial)
Maybe he means the thing attached to the cylinder in the front.
In the import export process, some vertex normal may have become locked. Unlock normal and see if that helps.
From gray to black straight away.
Unlocking normals didn't help.
Well the horizontal box in the back looks how it should if you have just smoothed the whole thing and there not being extra geometry to help the shading.
The vertical boxes look how face weighted vertex normal should look if you have bevels on the edges.
The other bit I mentioned is the one that looks off to me but without seeing the geometry of these things its hard to tell.