Hello everyone! I gonna make the us soldier or ranger or navy seal...i dont know. This soldier will be looks like the us assault unit from battlefield 4. Character will have 3 weapons: Beretta M9, MP5K and Milkor MGL-140. This is my first experience in character creation. So, before start to modeling, i spent some time for learning basic human anatomy and his proportions.
My main references:
3ds max - modeling/retopology/uvw map;
zbrush - sculpting;
photoshop, quixel suit, substance painter - texturing;
xnormal - baking;
marmoset toolbag 2 - for render.
I started from ballistic combat helmet with goggles, IR strobe and headset. I modeled them in 3ds max, then exported in zbrush.
I dont like this face on my male base mesh, so i put a balaclava on his head. Geometry for shirt and pants was extruted from male base mesh. I hate folds. Tutorial "Zbrush Sculpting Clothing and Understanding Folds in Zbrush" by Ryan Kingslien helps me a lot for sculpting folds.
to be continued...
Boots and gloves completely made in zbrush. Nothing special. But this shoelace brought a lot of troubles
For bottom i added a belt for pants, belt for grenades with grenades and holster for mp5k.
Stuff for top. Small medkit and pockets for magazines (m9 and 5.56)
looking forward to see this textured
So, my character is almost ready. I need to finish mp5k holster and fix a lot of issues. My model has about 90M polys. Right now i dont have any idea how to retopology this heavy model. May be i'll split him into 4 parts: head, torso, hand and feet, then decimate them (~8M polys for each part) and do export in 3ds max.
I have 2 models: Beretta M9 and MP5K which i made in early 2015. It was my first expirience in hard surface sculpting in Zbrush. MP5K model based on tutorial "Sculpting an MP5-K in ZBrush 4" by Ryan Kingslien.
Beretta M9
MP5 k
to be continued...
This whole project looks insane, keep it up.
all methods that i used for sculpting beretta and mp5k you can find in "Sculpting an MP5-K in ZBrush 4" by Ryan Kingslien.
Unfortunately, I did't find the original link to this tutorial, but i think you can find full tutorial on torrents.
Retopology time.
For retopology i prefer 3ds max with his freeform tools.
As i said earlier, my character will consist of 4 parts: head, torso, hands and legs.
Limit for my low poly model -- 25k-26k tris
So, i started from the head.
Wireframe and normal map.
For baking i use xnormal.
Normal map and ID map for head.
Head with ID map and AO. For ID map i used zbrush+xnormal.
Here is the result:
So, i made textures for additional guns. I didn't spend much time and attention for details, because these guns will be hide inside the holster.
For Beretta i chose 92FS modification with silver cover. This is the nice chance to practice with metal/gloss workflow.
Beretta 92FS:
Also i almost complteted the main gun for the character. This is a six-shot revolver-type grenade launcher Milkor MGl-140 with 40mm HE grenades. I am planning to make a low poly model and high poly with textures for realistic renders.
Milkor MGl-140 (screenshot from 3ds max):