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Female Torso -requesting critique (nudity)

I was working on this anatomy study and I was hoping to get some good anatomical feedback.
My aim was to get a muscular body type so it can also work as reference.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me



  • ZelenHimihal
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    ZelenHimihal polycounter lvl 5
    Hey man, I think mostly its fine, just one thing I notice is the neck not properly connected, the neck muscles should go between those two bones over the chest, not on top of them but otherwise good work!
  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    I love it. My only remark is you should keep it up! I really like how you sculpted the skin and everything connects up just fine.
  • Jakub
    Offline / Send Message
    Jakub interpolator
    Looks really nice. The mistakes that I can see is cleary the shape of the scapula - medial border shape is incorrect.

    In addition, I'd look at the costal cartilage and how it connects to the sternum, it creates an angle, 90degrees for male and ~60 for female.

    You're on a really great way! Keep it up :)
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