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[UE4/Unity] Photoscanned seashells

polycounter lvl 7
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mikolajspy polycounter lvl 7
Pack is live on Unity AssetStore - http://u3d.as/ig9
Contains 8 scanned seashells with 4k PBR textures :)
I'm working on photoscanned seashells pack for games, currently I have 3 of them, and will make around 10-15. They have around 5k tris with LOD stages and maximum of 4k PBR textures :)
Let me know what you think :)


  • DanielR17
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    DanielR17 polycounter lvl 7
    I never tried photogrammetry/photoscan, but the results are convincing. So you have 4 LOD stages, but the second stage still looks very good (as seen on your attached pic). When do you think you'll publish your pack?
  • mikolajspy
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    mikolajspy polycounter lvl 7
    Photogrammetry is really stunning! Check my Sketchfab portfolio to see more of them (link in signature) :)
    Yes, second stages are quite nice, because they're still visible, but third and fourth are very tiny, so they don't need to be perfect :)
    I'm not sure when I'll finish them, first I need to order studio lighting, because weather outside currently is terrible for photoscanning. They will be available on Unity AssetStore for 15$ :)
    Here is one source scan of new shell, I need to process it into game asset
  • TheWalkerGod
    I'm not sure if you're still working on the textures, and I could be mistaken, but it looks like you have lighting information baked into your diffuse textures which is something you generally don't want.
  • mikolajspy
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    mikolajspy polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah, I'm still working on them and I know about the lighting. I removed most of it, I'm attaching Albedos preview :)
  • supremedalek925
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    supremedalek925 polycounter lvl 10
    These look awesome! I'd like to see how low LODs of these look in engine.
  • John Baxter
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    John Baxter polycounter lvl 7
    I'm not sure if you're still working on the textures, and I could be mistaken, but it looks like you have lighting information baked into your diffuse textures which is something you generally don't want.

    That's one of the tradeoffs of photogrammetry. It can be very difficult to remove the lighting inherent to the scanned scene/object, but Epic hinted that they would be releasing a toolkit to help with that.
  • mikolajspy
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    mikolajspy polycounter lvl 7
    @supremedalek925 Check attachement on first post, LODs are working nice, it depends on scale, if you make them small, as real seashell you won'really notice difference, if you scale it up to be shell of some fantastic creature, LODs are still working very good, the worst LOD seen from distance doesn't look that bad :) It all depends how you set the distance changes :)
    @John Baxter You're correct, that's why I'm doing most of the scans on cloudy days, without directional light, so it is quite easy to remove some subtle shadows, but in most cases there are almost none and I only need to brighten the final texture a bit :)
  • mikolajspy
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    mikolajspy polycounter lvl 7
    I've got my new studio lighting and scanned few more seashells (screen in attachement) :)

    Also, see my scanned Croatian beach rock I've found on vacation :)
    I might make small pack of those kind of seaside rocks :)
  • mikolajspy
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    mikolajspy polycounter lvl 7
    The pack is finished and ready on Unity AssetStore - http://u3d.as/ig9
    Place them over your beach or use as decorations, you can even scale them and use as shell of some creature :)
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