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HandPainted Cart

Hello everyone,

I am currently creating a Cart based on a concept by Max Schulz:


I have completed the modeling process and am now working on the UVs.



Any feedback would be much appreciated. :)


  • Doxturtle
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    Doxturtle polycounter lvl 8
    IMO I think the lights at the front stick out too far, they seem to be on much shorter poles in the concept
  • DorianVann44
    Thanks for the advice Doxturtle! I made the posts smaller so they fit closer to the reference.

    I am currently working on creating the base details, for the wood textures, as a flat texture in Substance Painter before creating all the base color compositions in photoshop.

    Current texturing process on front bench:

  • DorianVann44
    Hello again everyone,

    I have completely scrapped my previous workflow, because it was pretty bad tbh. I spent the last week working on a new workflow that seems to be a lot faster than my previous attempt. I am currently detailing and polishing a tileable wood texture in photoshop that i will apply to my UVs and use substance painter or photoshop to correct the final seams in the wood. Once i complete the wood texture placements i will begin working on the metal sections.

    WIP Wood Texture:

    I will also be updating this thread later tonight of my progress!
    Any suggestions and feedback to either my workflow or texture, or both, will be very much appreciated. Thanks! :)
  • DorianVann44
    I have reached a point with my texture to begin sizing it to the cart's Uvs. I will upload the updated cart texture within the next few hours as i complete more work on the project.

    Updated Wood Texture:

    Any suggestions and feedback to either my workflow or texture, or both, will be very much appreciated. Thanks!
  • dllxtt
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    dllxtt polycounter lvl 9
    This parts looks very strange for me. But im just start to learn paint textures and handpainted so i can mistake hard ))) 3lo8H3H.jpg

    And looking at the concept there is nor such details like you draw, probably it's your style but i think this can look to noisy you should check it on the distance.

    And i noticed one more strange thing like this
  • DorianVann44
    Hey michaelklimenko, thanks for the reply! I'm still fairly new to handpainted as well but i decided to paint in those variations, on the first image, to give a feeling that the wood is not all one flat plane. The second section that you pointed out was to break up the wood grain a little more. I hope this helps a bit.

    I have been working my but off this week to get this Cart finished, so I've been forgetting to upload my progress regularly. The cart is in a completely different state from where it was before and I am much happier with the results.

    I am still working on completing most the metals, as well as the table and cloth. I also have a few tweaks to make on some of the Wood sections. But as i said before i am overall much happier than what i had done before. :)


    Any feedback or critiques you could give would be very helpful. Thank You! :D
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Wish i could've seen this sooner but here hope it helps some i wrote on the img for you.
    Nice concept nice work.
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Nice work. Agree with David, some stuff to correct.
  • DorianVann44
    Thank you DavidCruz for the helpful feedback! I worked on improving the shapes of most of what you had mentioned as well as placed in the few pieces that i missed. I have started working on ideas for the supports underneath the coach.

    Here is the Shot of what i have done so far:

    Thanks Again! ill be posting some more progress soon as i work on some more of the textures. :D
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