I know this is probably a super basic issue, but I cannot find a solution for it.
I'm exporting out an animation into an fbx which will then be put into Unity, but the animation breaks when exported. The mesh and skeleton don't move, but the controllers all move according to the animation; this happens both IK and FK controls. I used an Orient Constrain on a single joint to a NURBS Curve controller. Export All and Export Selection have the same results.
In my export settings I have all of these checked:
Bake Animation
Deformed Models
Blend Shapes
Skeleton Definitions
When exporting it gives me two warnings:
Skin Definition (4):
The plug-in has found the following skin definition problems :
Unable to find the bind pose for : / joint1 / joint2 / joint3 / joint4 / joint20. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
Unable to find the bind pose for : / joint1 / joint8 / joint9. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
Unable to find the bind pose for : / joint1 / joint12 / joint13 / joint14. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
Unable to find the bind pose for : / joint1 / joint8 / joint9 / joint10 / joint11. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
Animation curve tangent type changed to User (9):
The plug-in has changed some animation curves tangents type to User to ensure interoperability. This mode change will not affect the animation curves' values
I know I've had this issue before, but I cannot remember the cause or solution to it, nor can I find an answer via Google and I'm hoping someone can help me out with this.