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Steel Battle Axe

polycounter lvl 3
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loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
Created this axe as practice. Feels fairly done but four eyes work better than two. Tell me what you think about it. If you like it, feel free to give it a thumbs up on ArtStation.






  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Bump, still interested in some critique.
  • asyrvachev
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    asyrvachev polycounter lvl 8
    Loggie, it is fairly done.

    What I would think make it even a better model:
    more polygons for the blade. Right now it feels a little too angular.
    This area near the handle caught my eye.
    In my opinion it should be rounder.

    The blade texture is too uniform. The cutting edge of the blade does not look like it was ever sharpened, however there is sign of wear on the it.
    There should be difference in specular/roughness values of the blade and the cutting edge. The edge of the blade should receive more specularity/less roughness. In other words, make it shinier. More grime on the rest of the blade.
    This will make your model pop more.

    You can see that difference in values of the edge and blade in images below.
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Hi there! Thanks for feedback. Did what you told me! Tweaked the wood parts as well.

  • asyrvachev
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    asyrvachev polycounter lvl 8
    Loggie, hope you don't mind, I made a quick paintover. Not the best thing under the sun but just to get the message across:
    I think you can push the envelope even further. Break the uniformity of color on the blade. Right now there is this difference in color values, but it looks a bit artificial.
    The circled area is looking a bit weird. I don't think a real blade would have these marks which look like they were left by sand. A tad much whirly-wavy looking.

    Just give it a bit more love and human touch :-)
    Also, perhaps the lighting is not making the model justice?
    Oh, and that metallic bit with spikes on the handle looks brand new. Maybe give it a bit more grime, battering. Show that life was not easy for him as well and it is not only the blade of the axe that has seen it all :-)

  • chilemang
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    chilemang polycounter lvl 9
    would you mind posting your textures if you get a chance
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