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Anatomy Practice -Critique Wanted

I was trying to model a character yesterday, and swiftly realized i needed to practice anatomy before i tried a full out character. So today i started with the torso. Comments and Critiques needed and welcome.









  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    You've got a sizeable journey ahead of you. I'd say the most important thing at this stage is to keep at it.

    You've got some good reference there. You just need to take a good look at how everything fits together. It might be of some use to dig up some sketches or models that show the simplified musculature of the body.
    If you search for "Anatomy for Sculptors" on Pinterest, you'll find a lot of their references (a lot more so than are on their site now) which are great for really understanding the shapes and interactions of the human form.
  • drysider
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    drysider polycounter lvl 9
    You're trying to construct your torso like the individual muscles are boxes. But they're not hard boxes, they're soft, malleable, organic shapes, even in men.

    You have references but you're not looking at them. Not *really* looking at them. You're still sculpting those forms from imagination, from what you THINK they look like in your head instead of carefully imitating the reference. To get any worthwhile practice out of reference study you need to sculpt in every line and muscle contour true to the reference and not how you imagine it looks.
  • TheWalkerGod
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    Alright so i decided i should post what i have so far even if it isn't finished. First off I've updated my reference:

    and here's what I have so far:


    I'm particularly having trouble with the muscles on the back. In images i look at sometimes they look pretty faint but other times they look really pronounced. Also does anyone know of a really good way to make fine lines in zbrush. Whenever i try to make the line that separates the pecs, abs, etc, it always gets ruined when i dynamesh at a low resolution but it looks too sharp if i try to create it at higher resolutions (so i left it out for now).

    Thanks for taking the time to respond.
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