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kodie.me - 3D/2D Animation, Modelling, Rigging, Illustration, and Design

Check out my portfolio at www.Kodie.me and you can email me at me(AT)kodie.me

If you haven't guessed, my name's Kodie. At 11 years old, I started Flash animation, since then I've moved on to Maya, Photoshop, Nuke, Zbrush and all sorts of programs to create my work. Since then, my creativity rig has slowly been advancing from a £15 discount tablet to a quad-monitor workstation with a Cintiq with a custom made arm.

Whatever you want, I'm likely your man, whether it's art, animation, story boards, composition, creative or technical. I'm half technical and half creative, but all wizard.


Not really a wizard, so please don't complain about lack of wizardry.
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