Sorry for bothering you with this simple question.
When I bake normal map use xNormal,I got seams on every uv borders.
I don't use any mirrored uv shells, and I have enough edge paddings. The direction of RGB channels have set correctly. And the map is linear color space.
What else could cause this problem and How to fix it?
Thanks for the reply.
In fact I have already read this thread and it dosen't solve my problem. And I also googled a lot to find the solution, but all of them are the situation that I write in the first post and does not match mine.So I ask here.
Thank you again.:)
not that it's unthinkable but if padding is enable and creates problem try from 3dsmax or maya instead of xnormal and see if there's some improvement. At least that's what i would do.
Ah,my computer is not so good so loading a high polymesh into maya always make her refuse to work:(...
Sure, I should have post the picture.Sorry for not doing that.
It is very little, and won't be recognized until I zoomed in a lot.
The next picture is from a higher distance.Sorry that I don't draw the red circle at the right position, the seam is at the very right inside the red circle.
And this is what normal map looks like in the border place.(At the top of the UVed place)
Is this what you mean "subtle seam"? Is it means that this can't be solved in theory, but it is very difficult to be recognized in prectice so we just ignore it?
Also, show pictures
Where do you view the normals?
Yes I have tried that and doesn't work.
I view it in marmoset toolbag 2.
This is the picture from a higher distance. It seems a new lighting error appears.
The seam is at the right side of the light area, the left side does not have a seam.
Yes, I've already set that.
I tried that, and yes it doesn't help:poly124:.
The object sapce normal map still shows the seam.
my work flow of baking is like this(in maya):
1.I triangulared my low mesh,made all edges to soft edge,and exported it out.
2.Load high mesh as a reference, edited the low mesh vetexs to cover the high mesh, then exported it as cage.
3.Load high mesh,low mesh and cage into xNormal, set mesh scale to 10, map size to 2K, edge padding to 16, then use OpenRL renderer to bake.(I aslo tried the default bucket renderer but get the same resault.)
What may have caused the projection issue?
Ah, that is because these are test bakings so I don't care of it.When come to the final maps I will turn on the antialising to get a better looking.
I've already send a email.