Hello, I did a quick forum search and there's no hits for UMOGA, so I thought I'd make a post about it.
UMOGA is a website where you can find indie developer projects to work on, you can also setup your own profile. From what I've seen it's still pretty new with no more than 50-100 members on it but it seems like a great platform for artists wanting to get some experience.
What a great initiative. This looks like an amazing learning and networking tool. Super tip.
Thanks for showing this.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
It's got a lot of potential though, right now networking with programmers or other disciplines of game design feels really tough. I can't wait till something like this matures and you can easily connect with people wanting to make some cool stuff! It'd be nice to see some improvements to the project pages, something like indiedb.com with a blog post update system.
Thanks for sharing!
Here's another one of these platforms, also new - one seems to be popping up every couple of weeks, but they're all roughly the same it would seem.8