Whats the best camera today to use with faceshift software?
From their website (
http://www.faceshift.com/cameras/ ) and from the internet in general i got the "feeling" that the best choice today is the
Intel RealSense (Dev Kit) (
http://click.intel.com/realsense.html )
Couple of questions:
1) Is it really true that its the best camera AT THE TIME for use with faceshift?
2) What about the new "version" (?) (
http://click.intel.com/intel-realsense-developer-kit-r200.html )
the Intel® RealSense 3D Camera (R200) Developer Kit im not sure if it works and is even supposed to work with faceshift?
3) I can wait about 6 months to buy the camera (probably), so even if the real sense is the best choice today, isnt there any other super hot new tech camera comming in the next 6 months that will beat real sense to the ground?? (i dont follow HW news anymore so i dont know...)?
Thanks for advice and tips!