Hey Guys!
ive been kind of just lurking around this forum and joining skype groups over the last few months, finally got some courage and am uploading a wip
So this is a new level that i'm developing for a friend im not aloud to share the details of the game as of now. He gave me a map layout and said keep the same design but change its aesthetics.
This is my first time doing any kind of environmental organic modelling.Still a Noob
Just so noone gets confused i have colour coded some stuff to separate it a bit pink is wall the orange is lanes
to do
Review feedback
add more trees!
Bake objs
Refine and texture assets
sculpt some detail on the rocks
put in unity
learn lighting in unity
It seems that you're using Blender?
It's a good suite.
Well, what can we say about your work? You've blocked out the main space, good. But do you have some kinf of reference? Photos, drawings? What's the direction?
i also use 3ds max but am more comfortable in blender atm
That's all I can say for now. Maybe a perspective view could help, rather than a ortho one.