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Hooded Female Assassin/Rogue (WIP)

polycounter lvl 6
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Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
Update 1st July 2015


I've been lurking around on these forums for quite a while without having actually posted anything, at least on this particular board. This was mainly out of fear, as I tend to have a habit of getting attached to my work only to realize the mistakes I made later on down the line.

But, I decided to go ahead and finally post something, fear is very much still present though. I figured why not show what I've been chipping away at outside of some of the projects I'm working on.

I can only really describe this image as the design of a female assassin character. I haven't the foggiest who actually created the design so sadly I'm not too sure who to credit here. Regardless, I quite liked the concept so I decided to use it.



Below is some of my progress so far. Remember that this is work in progress and a good portion of the clothing shown has yet to be cleaned up. Also, I did do some minor colouring on the skin as a test and pre-visualisation of certain effects. It's a habit I got into a while ago:




(Sorry for the image sizes by the way, not too used to posting yet)

There are a few things that I've yet to really work on properly. One of those things is her cloth, scarf, cowl-thing. Yeah, real technical term there. I'm not entirely familiar with the way the cloth is wrapped around her shoulders. I tried searching online but I'm not entirely sure what it is I should be searching for.

A couple of other things I'm aware of are that her chest has more shape in the original concept (something I'm planning to amend on my mopdel) and that some of the meshes are messy as I've yet to clean them up, the belt around her chest as an example.

Thanks for checking this out and I look forward to hearing from you. All questions and feedback will be most welcome!


  • Popol
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    Popol interpolator
    Oh waw, great work! :D

    My only crit would be that the wrinles on the cloth wraped around her shoulder look out of place compared to the rest of the model. They are too soft, too small and don't make much sense.
  • Crazyb2000
    Offline / Send Message
    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    Popol wrote: »
    Oh waw, great work! :D

    My only crit would be that the wrinles on the cloth wraped around her shoulder look out of place compared to the rest of the model. They are too soft, too small and don't make much sense.

    Thank you! :D

    And yeah, I'm with you there. I've yet to really figure out how to approach that as I'm not too familiar with how it's wrapping around. What's there at the moment could be considered a place-holder for the most part... or a first attempt. :P
  • bhaktimarie
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    bhaktimarie polycounter lvl 7
    Looks great! I really like the form of the figure as well as the chest piece and skirt.

    I think you just have to decide what kind of material the wrap is (leather, wool, satin...) and then go for it.

    Looking forward to seeing some updates!
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Looks bloody wicked. Love the face.
  • Asura
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    Asura greentooth
    I love the style and form so far :)
  • Abrvpt
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    Abrvpt polycounter lvl 4
    Looking good ! Did you used Marvellous Designer for the skirt ? If so, you might considering using it for the shoulders as well. If you do it by hand, you have to start with very little detail. First, I think the main shape is not loose enough on the back, it should hang more. Then go on with two or three main fold that runs around the body, with the attack being the pinch point.
    Keep up !
  • Crazyb2000
    Offline / Send Message
    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6



    I'm... not entirely sure why I keep changing matcaps. The second image was just thrown in to show a slightly closer view of the changes to the upper torso as well as the temp polypaint. I've been doing a lot of mesh cleaning :P
    Asura wrote: »
    I love the style and form so far :)
    Looks bloody wicked. Love the face.
    Looks great! I really like the form of the figure as well as the chest piece and skirt.

    I think you just have to decide what kind of material the wrap is (leather, wool, satin...) and then go for it.

    Looking forward to seeing some updates!

    Thanks for all the kinds words, guys. It really helps drive me forward :D
    Abrvpt wrote: »
    Looking good ! Did you used Marvellous Designer for the skirt ? If so, you might considering using it for the shoulders as well. If you do it by hand, you have to start with very little detail. First, I think the main shape is not loose enough on the back, it should hang more. Then go on with two or three main fold that runs around the body, with the attack being the pinch point.
    Keep up !

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm aware of how to sculpt clothes I just kinda sorta made a boo boo on the last version of that shoulder wrap thing. Still, I appreciate the advice. After doing some simulation tests I actually started to understand how that particular piece of cloth worked and I decided to tackle it again via sculpting. I think it turned out a lot better this time round :)

    Next I'll be cleaning up her shoes and then doing some modifications to her hands. After that, I'll be wrapping an extra piece of cloth around her leg which, in the concept, is how her quiver is equipped. Then I'll probably have to make the quiver. Yeah. If all goes well I should be able to start actually polypainting soon, which is always fun :D

    Thanks, again, and I look forward to hearing from you!

    Also, please do tell me if my posts are going on too long. If so, I'll try and keep them short and concise from here on out.
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